Self-assembly of nanoparticles
Our goal is to understand and subsequently control the self-assembly of dumbbell and flower nanoparticles by changing the size of both the seed and magnetic nanoparticles, their concentration and by exposing them to external electric and magnetic fields.
We study the local crystal structure of our samples using x-ray and neutron pair-distribution (PDF) method. Combination of PDF and polarized neutron small-angle scattering (SANS) studies maps the structural and magnetic properties of our samples on various length-scales. We successfully applied the same approach to the single-phase nanoparticles. In the future, simultaneous neutron diffraction, PDF and polarized SANS measurements will be possible at DREAM diffractometer and European Spallation Source.
- N. Nandakumaran, L. Barnsley, A. Feoktystov, S. A. Ivanov, D. L. Huber, L. S. Fruhner, V. Leffler, S. Ehlert, E. Kentzinger, A. Qdemat, T. Bhatnagar-Schöffmann, U. Rücker, M. Wharmby, A. Cervellino, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, T. Brückel, and M. Feygenson, Unravelling Magnetic Nanochain Formation in Dispersion for In Vivo Applications, Adv. Mater 2008683 (2021) .
Dr. Mikhail Feygenson
Scientific Staff at "ESS Instrumentation" (JCNS-1)
- Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
- Neutronenstreuung und weiche Materie (JCNS-1)
Raum R 291