Peter Grünberg Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Andreas W. Schell, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Anna Bauer
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Solid-state Quantum Emitters for Integrated Quantum Technologies
We will show our ongoing efforts to implement a quantum photonic platform using the so called hybrid approach for the assembly of quantum photonic elements. In the hybrid assembly approach, structures and emitters from different materials are combined in order to exploit the specific strength of the individual material while avoiding possible disadvantages by use of complementary other materials. This approach is highly flexible and can be adapted to many different material systems and structures. In particular, we will introduce techniques based on scanning probe microscopy and three-dimensional laser writing. The hybrid quantum photonic elements assembled with these approaches include emitter coupled to on-chip resonators and waveguides, different kinds of fiber integrated cavities and incorporate a variety of emitter such as NV centers, quantum dots, and defects in two-dimensional materials such as hexagonal boron nitride.
We will further show our results on understanding the photophysical properties of solid-state quantum emitters and analyze their suitability for hybrid integration. A variety of optical spectroscopy techniques is used to achieve this goal, such as time resolved single photon correlation spectroscopy, multi-photon and cryogenic microscopy, and multi-wavelength excitation. In our experiments we are extending the wavelength range as well as the number of investigated emitters in order to provide reliable information on the emitter properties for their use in quantum technologies.