Das Institut "Quanten-Theorie der Materialien" erhält seine Grundförderung aus dem Helmholtz-Programm P2 - "Natural, Artificial and Cognitive Information Processing" des Forschungsbereichs Information und finanziert unseren Beitrag zum Thema 1: Quantenmaterialien und zum Joint Lab Virtual Materials Design.
Wir bedanken uns bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) und der Europäischen Union (EU) für die Drittmittel-Förderung. Einige Beispiele finden Sie in der folgenden Liste:
Titel | Programm | Principal Investigator | Dauer | |
Interplay of magnetic and exitonic properties in low-dimensional materials | Universität Duisburg-Essen | Lounis | 2023-2025 | |
Interplay of magnetodynamical phenomena and emergence of new many-body states in nanoscale structures | BMBF (PGSB) | Shehada | 2023-2024 | |
Ab-initio investigation of altermagnets | SERB (Science and Engineering Research Board) | Prakash Rai | 2023-2024 | |
ML4Q - Materie und Licht für Quanteninformation | DFG-Excellence Cluster Independence Grant DBAA2317 | Rüßmann | 2023-2025 | |
ML4Q - Materie und Licht für Quanteninformation | DFG-Excellence Cluster DBD02317 | Blügel | 2023-2025 | |
ML4Q - Materie und Licht für Quanteninformation | DFG- Excellence Cluster DBC02317 | Kosma | 2023-2025 | |
MAterials design at the eXascale (MAX) | HORIZON-EUROHPC-JU-2021-COE-01-01 DE002223 DEI02223 | Wortmann | 2022-2026 | |
Current-driven magnetic resistance in van der Waals spin-orbital torque spin-filter magnetic tunnel junctions | Lishu Zhang | 2022-2024 | ||
iAFMskyrmions - Intrinsic antiferromagnetic skyrmions from first-principles: stabilization, interaction with defects and efficient detection | DFG LO 1659/8-1 | Lounis | 2022-2025 | |
Project Study of Helmholz Initiative for Research Software Engineering (HiRSE_PS) | HGF Innovationspool | Blügel | 2022-2024 | |
Die Rolle der nichtlokalen Coulomb-Wechselwirkung für die magnetischen Eigenschaften von 2D-Materialien | BMBF (PGSB) | Beida | 2022-2024 | |
Tight-binding Hamiltonian parameterzations using artificial intelligence | FZJ-NST Collaboration | Hyun-Jung Kim | 2022 | |
Magnetochirale Transporteffekte von Skyrmionen | DFG-SPP-2137 | Mokrousov | 2021-2024 | |
Grenzflächenstabilisierte Skyrmionen in Oxidstrukturen für die Spintronik | DFG-SPP-2137 | Blügel, Lezaic | 2021-2024 | |
Bausteine für das Quantencomputing | Bayrische Regierung | Blügel | 2021-2023 | |
Konstruktion von 2D van der Waals Magnetismus auf der Nanoskala | DFG | Lounis | 2021-2023 | |
Investigation of intrinsic antiferromagnetic skyrmions | BMBF (PGSB) | Aldarawsheh Lounis | 2021-2024 | |
Ab-Initio Entdeckung topologischer magnetischer Hochtemperaturmaterialien | DFG | Mokrousov | 2021-2024 | |
Investigation of topological magnetism in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructure | BMBF (PGSB) | Abuawwad Lounis | 2021-2024 | |
Skyrmions in two-dimensional heterostructures and the emergence of high-order chiral interactions | CSC (China Scholarship Council) | Zhou Lounis | 2021-2023 | |
AIDAS2- Joint virtual Laboratory for AI, Data Analytics and Scalable Simulation | FZJ-CEA | Blügel | 2020-2024 | |
The role of strain and interlayer interaction in the layered higher-order topological insulators: Multi-scale numerical simulations | Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung | Hyun-Jung Kim | 2020-2022 | |
COMRAD - Cold Opto-Magnetism for Random Access Devices | Marie Curie Projekt DE001281 | Mokrousov | 2020-2024 | |
Static and dynamic coupling of lattice and electronic degrees of freedom in magnetically ordered transition metal dichalcogenides | DFG CRC/TRR 288 | Mokrousov | 2020-2024 | |
Spin+Optics: Theoretical design of antiferromagnetic optospintronics | DFG CRC/TRR173 | Mokrousov | 2020-2023 | |
3D MAGiC - Three-dimensional magnetization textures: Discovery and control on the nanoscale | Horizon 2020 | Blügel | 2020-2026 | |
SOgraphMEM -Spin-Wechselwirkung funktionalisiertes Graphen für resistiv-magnetische Speicher | DFG | Blügel | 2020-2022 | |
OptoSPIN : Optical Control of Nanoscale Spin Textures | Leibniz Collaborative Excellence | Blügel Mokrousov | 2020-2022 | |
TOPOMANN - Exploring topological magnetization textures for artificial neural networks | HGF-RSF Joint Research | Blügel Kiselev | 2020-2022 | |
Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy | HIDSS-0004 | Blügel | 2019-2025 | |
ML4Q - Materie und Licht für Quanteninformation | DFG-Excellence Cluster | Blügel | 2019-2022 | |
Theory & modeling of valence change-based resistive switching | DFG-SFB-917 | Blügel | 2019-2023 | |
Ab-initio investigation of the interplay between the hyperfine interaction and complex magnetism at the nanoscale | BMBF (PGSB) | Shehada Lounis | 2018-2022 | |
MAterials design at the eXascale (MAX) | H2020-INFRAEDI-2018 | Wortmann | 2018-2021 | |
New single photon sources by engineering monolayer-thick semiconductors on the atomic scale | Volkswagen Stiftung DB001668 | Blügel | 2018-2021 | |
Grenzflächenstabilisierte Skyrmionen in Oxidstrukturen für die Skyrmionik | DFG-SPP-2137 | Lezaic | 2018-2021 | |
Hybride drei-dimensionale Solitonen für Anwendungen | DFG | Kiselev | 2018-2021 | |
Magneto-Chiral Transport Effects of Skyrmions | DFG | Mokrousov | 2019-2020 | |
Modellbildung metallischer Dichtsitze | DFG | Persson | 2018-2019 | |
Sandwich-Molekül-Nanodrähte: Synthese auf Oberflächen, Struktur und Magnetismus | DFG | Atodiresei | 2018-2020 | |
Antiferromagnets for spinorbitronics from ab-initio theory | DFG | Mokrousov | 2017-2020 | |
Structure inversion-asymmetric matter and spin-orbit phenomena from ab-initio | DFG-SFB-1238 - Kontrolle und Dynamik von Quantenmaterialien | Atodiresei | 2024-2028 | |
ABC Quantum Network | Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds | DiVincenzo | 2016-2017 | |
PhD fellowship of one year funded by the | O. Messaoudi | Lounis | September 2016-August 2017 | |
PhD fellowship of one year funded by the | H. Kouarta | Lounis | October 2016-September 2017 | |
Modeling and simulations of physical properties of nanomaterials | AGYA-Tandem | Lounis | 2016 | |
Spin scattering of topologically protected electrons at defects | DFG SPP-1666 | Mavropoulos | 2016-2019 | |
Dynamical magnetic excitations with spin-orbit interaction in realistic nanostructures —Dynasore | European Research Council Grant | Lounis | 2016-2021 | |
First-principles studies of electronic and transport properties of one-dimensional edge states of nano-structured topological insulators | DFG SPP-1666 / Bl 823/2-2 | Bihlmayer | 2016-2019 | |
Sabbatical year funded by the | Prof. Dr. A. Ziane | Lounis | October 2015-September 2016 | |
Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis (NFFA-EUROPE) | H2020-INFRAIA-2014/2015 | Blügel | 2015-2019 | |
Fluiddynamik an der Grenzfläche gummielastischer Festkörper | DFG | Persson | 2015-2018 | |
MAterials design at the eXascale (MAX) | H2020-EINFRA-2014/2015-1 | Wortmann | 2015-2018 | |
Magnetic Skyrmions for Future Nanospintronic Devices (MAGicSky) | H2020-FETOPEN-2014/2015 DEA01029 | Mokrousov | 2015-2018 | |
Theory & modeling of valence change-based resistive switching | DFG-SFB-917 Nanoswitches RWTH-Aachen DB001397 | Blügel, Lezaic | 2015-2018 | |
Theory of quantum spin-fluctuations in nano-magnets | Helmholtz Postdoc Programme | Azpiroz | 2015-2018 | |
Extension of the GW approximation by the functional renormalisation group (fRG) | DFG-RTG-1995 | Blügel | 2014-2019 | |
Quantum many-body methods in condensed matter systems | Graduiertenkolleg der RWTH Aachen RTG 1995 | Helbig | 2014-2019 | |
Computational Design of Spin Caloric Nanostructures | DFG-SPP-1538 Spincalorics | Mavropoulos | 2014-2017 | |
Topological transverse spin, charge and heat transport driven by temperature gradients in transition-metal compounds from first principles | DFG-SPP-1538 | Mokrousov | 2014-2016 | |
Instationaeres Reibungs- und Leckageverhalten von translatorischen Hydraulikdichtungen | DFG Reinhard Kosselleck Projekt DD000248 | Murrenhoff, Lorenz, Persson | 2014-2019 | |
Dynamical spin-excitation in magnetic thin films and surfaces | Brazilian CAPES | Lounis | 2014-2018 | |
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung atomare Defekte in metallischen Nanostrukturen | DFG Einzelantrag DD000246 | Lounis | 2014-2017 | |
Optically controlled spin logic | Volkswagen Stiftung DB001290 | Atodiresei, Bürgler, Müller, Karthäuser | 2014-2017 | |
Theoretical investigation of spin dynamics and spin currents in nanostructures | Brazilian CAPES + Alexander von Humboldt foundation | Guimarães | 2014-2017 | |
Ab initio description of double and charge transfer excitations: from solvable models to complex systems | DFG Emmy Noether Gruppe DD000292 | Helbig | 2014-2017 | |
Topological solitons in chiral magnetism | Seed funds JARA-FIT | Melcher, Mokrousov, Blügel | 2014-2015 | |
Hybrid parallelism for the Jülich DFT code FLEUR | Seed funds JARA-HPC | Wortmann, Blügel, Müller | 2014-2015 | |
Virtuelles Institut für Topologische Insulatoren (VITI) | Helmholtz Virtuelle Institute DBB01126 | Bihlmayer, Blügel, Mavropoulos, Mokrousov | 2013-2017 | |
Spin scattering of topologically protected electrons at defects | DFG SPP-1666 Topological Insulators DD000216 | Mavropoulos, Blügel | 2013-2016 | |
First-principles studies of electronic and transport properties of one-dimensional edge states of nanostructured topological insulators | DFG SPP-1666 Topological Insulators DD000217 | Bihlmayer, Mokrousov, Wortmann | 2013-2016 | |
Describing electronic properties of solids by EXX and RPA | Helmholtz Postdoc Programm DB001173 | Betzinger | 2013-2016 | |
Gallium Iron Room Temperature Magnetoelectric Oxides | DFG DD000200 | Lezaic | 2013-2015 | |
Topological insulators investigated by material specific ab initio theory | Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung | Aguilera | 2012-2014 | |
Projektbezogener Personenaustausch mit Indien | DAAD DB001184 | Lezaic | 2012-2014 | |
Graphene-Ferroelectric Interface for Electronic and Spintronic Technologies | Marie Curie Intra-European DE000831 | Zanolli | 2012-2014 | |
Magnetism in structurally asymmetric nanowires of 3d-5d transition-metals | DAAD/DST Projektbezogener Personenaustausch mit Indien (PPP-Indien) DB001058 | Blügel | 2011-2014 | |
Computational design of spin-caloric nanostructures | DFG-SPP-1538 Spincalorics DD000162 | Mavropoulos, Wortmann, Blügel | 2011-2014 | |
Topological spin, charge and heat transport driven by temperature gradients in transition-metal compounds | DFG-SPP-1538 Spincalorics DD000163 | Mokrousov | 2011-2014 | |
Local confinement of switching filaments in transition metal oxides in electrical, chemical, and mechanical gradients | SFB917 RWTH-Aachen DB001245 | Bihlmayer | 2011-2015 | |
Correlation between the atomic structure and electronic states in resistively switching oxides | SFB917 RWTH-Aachen DB001246 | Lezaic | 2011-2015 | |
Coherence and relaxation properties of electron spins | DFG DD000147 | Blügel | 2011-2012 | |
Spin-relaxation and spin coherence in nonmagnetic metallic ultathin films and nanowires | DFG DD000126 | Mokrousov | 2010- 2013 | |
Ab initio description of double and charge transfer excitations: from solvable models to complex systems | DFG-Emmy-Noether-Gruppe DD000148 | Helbig | 2011-2017 | |
Theory of Switching and Imaging Molecular Magnets on Surfaces | CNR-NANO S3 | Atodiresei | 2011-2013 | |
Neue Absorbermaterialien für Dünnschichten mit Nanopartikeln aus unbegrenzt verfügbaren Materialien - NADNuM | NADNuM BMBF gefördertes Verbundvorhaben (FKZ:03SF0402A) DBC00945 | Bihlmayer | 2010-2013 | |
Förderung der Nachwuchsgruppe VH-NG-717 "Functional Nanoscale Structure Probe and Simulation Laboratory" | DB000897 | Lounis | 2011-2015 | |
Leak-rate of seals | 3 Monate Gastaufenthalt Prof. Volokitin DD000106 | Persson | 2010 | |
IFOX: Interfacing Oxides | EU Exzellenz Netzwerk DEB00737 | Blügel | 2010-2013 | |
Quantum transport at the molecular scale | DFG-SPP 1243 DDB00125 | Karthäuser | 2010-2012 | |
Dynamical Mean-Field Approach with Predictive Power for Strongly Correlated Materials Massively parallel simulations of strong electronic correlations: Realistic Coulomb vertex and multiplet effects | DFG-Forschergruppe 1346 | Pavarini | 2010-2012 | |
Spin-relaxation and spin coherence in nonmagnetic metallic ultrathin films and nanowires | DFG Research Grant | Mokrousov | 2010-2012 | |
Describing the spin-polarized transport in molecular junctions by at-initio calculations | DFG | Wortmann | 2009-2010 | |
Computational design and evaluation of spintronics materials | DFG | Wortmann | 2009-2012 | |
Helmholtz-Universität Nachwuchsgruppe | Mokrousov | 2009-2014 | ||
Helmholtz-Universität Nachwuchsgruppe | Lezaic | 2008-2013 | ||
Femtosecond opto-magnetism and novel approaches to ultrafast magnetism at the nanoscale (FANTOMAS) | EU Initial Training Netzwerk | Blügel | 2008-2012 | |
An Integrated Framework for Engineering Bio-Mimetic Adhesive Interface | DFG - FANAS Eurocores | Persson | 2008-2011 | |
Coherence and relaxation properties of electron spins Coherent few-electron spin states in carbon nanoribbons from ab initio | DFG-Forschergruppe 912 | IIndlekofer Blügel | 2008-2014 | |
Calculation of a spin-dependent transport across a ferroelectric junction | Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung | Lazic | 2008-2009 | |
Development of first-principles electronic structure code based on real-space PAW method and its applications to quantum transport of molecular devices | Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung | Ono | 2007-2008 | |
Homochiral Magnetic Structures in Deposited Clusters | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1153 | Blügel | 2007-2009 | |
Structural and electron transport investigations of functionalized carboxylic acids on Cu(110)-surfaces: experimental and ab initio studies. | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1243 | Karthäuser | 2006-2012 | |
Ab-initio Berechnungen des spinabhaengigen Transports durch molekulare Kontakte. | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1243 | Wortmann | 2006-2010 | |
Self-Assembled Nanoscale Magnetic Networks | DFG-ESF-EUROCORES | Bihlmayer | 2006-2009 | |
Spin-Bahn-Effekte in magnetischen Systemen : Photoelektronen-Spektroskopie und | DFG-Projekt (Gemeinsam mit FU Berlin) | Blügel | 2006-2009 | |
Quanten-Simulationen von Nanostrukturen und hochentwickelten Materialien (NANOQUANTA) (in Englisch) | EU-Exzellenznetzwerk | Schindlmayr | 2004-2008 | |
Ultraschnelle Magnetisierungsprozesse ( | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1133 | Bringer | 2004-2006 | |
Moderne und universelle first-principles-Methoden für Mehrelektronensysteme in Chemie und Physik ( | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1145 | 2003-2009 | ||
Cluster in Kontakt mit Oberflächen: Elektronenstruktur und Magnetismus ( | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1153 | Blügel | 2004-2006 | |
Moderne und universelle first-principles-Methoden für Mehrelektronensysteme in Chemie und Physik (in Englisch) | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1145 | Schindlmayr Bihlmayer Blügel | 2003-2009 | |
Cluster in Kontakt mit Oberflächen: Elektronenstruktur und Magnetismus (in Englisch) | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1153 | Blügel | 2003-2005 2007-2009 | |
Spin-dependent transport in Nanostructures | Marie-Curie Fellowship | Enkovaara | 2003-2004 | |
Deutsch-ungarisches WTZ Projekt | Lustfeld | 2003-2004 | ||
Molekularer Magnetismus | DFG-Schwerpunkt 1137 | Blügel | 2002-2008 | |
Dynamik in magnetischen Nanostrukturen (in Englisch) | EU-RTN Netzwerk | Liebsch | 2002-2006 | |
Werkstoffmodellierung - Wege zum computergestützten Materialdesign | BMBF-Kompetenzzentrum | Jones | 2000-2005 | |
Photonenabsorption und Spektroskopie mit Elektronen in nanoskalierten Materialien (NANOPHASE) (in Englisch) | EU-Netzwerk zur Ausbildung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs | Schindlmayr | 2000-2004 |