Usage costs
via DFG: Only with the FZJ as member or associated partners. Only then a usage with DFG cost ratios is possible. Up to 60k€ usage costs for cleanrooms may be requested at the DFG. For research partners, who do have a cooperation contract with the research campus, the usage is free of charge with a DFG-project. The costs for the material consumption will be completely charged (19% VAT).
via cooperation agreement: The access is managed within cooperation agreement between the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the utilizing institution (university, college, research facility, etc.) in combination with the users RnD-contract (institute, department, etc.) of the institution. As part of the contracts procedure the costs are negotiable. Flat-rate arrangements are possible.
via BMBF or EU: This is only arrange-able with the FZJ as member or associated partners. Only then a usage to BMBF- or EU-cost-rates is possible.
As industrial partner: When a cooperation contract with the Forschungszentrum is not possible, only with a R&D-contract. The billing takes place with full cost. Please do not hesitate to ask the actual costs.