Technical Reports

  • Badia R., Davison A., Denker M., Giesler A., Gosh S., Goble C., Grewe J., Grün S., Hatsopoulos N., LeFranc Y., Muller J., Pröpper R., Teeters J., Wachtler T., Weeks M., Zehl L. (2015) INCF Program on Standards for data sharing: new perspectives on workflows and data management for the analysis of electrophysiological data. International Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility (INCF)

  • Denker M., Einevoll ET., Franke F., Grün S., Hagen E., Kerr J., Nawrot M., Ness TB., Ritz R., Smith L., Wachtler T., Wojcik D. (2014) 1st INCF workshop on validation of analysis methods. International Neuroinformatics Coordination Facility (INCF)
Last Modified: 15.11.2024