We are continuously looking for excellent young researchers on the Postdoctoral, PhD, Master, and Bachelor levels to join our endeavor. Please contact Dr. Martina Reske with a motivation letter and CV to enquire about current opportunities. For PhD, Master, and Bachelor positions, please also include your university transcripts.
PhD position available
At the Institute of Advanced Simulation (IAS-6) at the Research Center Juelich a PhD position is available in the field of Computational Neuroscience to investigate cross-area interactions in the visuo-motor pathway of non-human primates during a visually guided motor task. The data are provided by our experimental partners at INT, CNRS, Marseille. Simultaneous electrophysiological recordings by multiple Utah electrode arrays implanted in V1, V2, V4, 7a, DP and M1 will be studied driven by predictions from theory and network modeling to gain a mechanistic understanding of cross-area interaction signatures. The project is embedded in the interdisciplinary work program of the IAS-6 ( with experts from network modeling, analytical theory, data analytics, AI and neuromorphic computing.
Applicants should have a background in computational neuroscience, physics, mathematics, or a related field. Solid skills of math and programming (preferably Python) are required. Experience with data analyses, modelling, analysis of complex systems, simulation, and software development are beneficial. Applicants should have a keen interest in neuroscience, interdisciplinary projects, and collaborative work.
Please send your application (incl. CV and two reference contacts) to Prof. Dr. Sonja Grün ( or Dr. David Dahmen (
Postdoc positions in the group of Prof. Sacha van Albada
Postdoc opportunities with a focus on the simulation of large-scale biological neural networks are available in the Theoretical Neuroanatomy group led by Prof. Sacha van Albada at Jülich Research Center, Germany ( The projects will advance a research program that centers on the full-scale simulation of thalamocortical networks using the simulator NEST.
The positions are available in the context of the Henriette Herz Scouting Program of the Humboldt Foundation, and at least one of the positions will be offered to a female candidate. The program is particularly aimed at candidates from countries underrepresented in the Humboldt Foundation. The selected candidate will receive a Humboldt Research Fellowship ( and define a research project together with Prof. van Albada. The positions are available for 24 months for postdocs up to 4 years after the PhD defense and for 18 months for experienced researchers 4-12 years after the PhD defense. The PhD defense should not be more than 12 years ago, and candidates should not have previous or existing links to Germany in terms of study, research stays, or citizenship. Due consideration will be given to any gaps in the CV due to family care or other personal circumstances.
The researchers will be embedded in our vibrant research institute. Links also exist to the University of Cologne, so that candidates can gain teaching/tutoring experience.
Please send a motivation letter, CV, and university transcripts and certificates to and to our scientific coordinator Martina Reske (