We are actively teaching at RWTH Aachen University as well as at the University of Cologne. We provide the following courses (the arrows indicate a recommended order):

At RWTH Aachen university
The following professors from IAS-6 are involved in the teaching program at RWTH Aachen:
Prof. Dr. Markus Diesmann
Computational Neuroscience, Faculty 10, Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic Disorders, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen & Co-opted Professor, Faculty 1, Department of Physics, RWTH Aachen
Introduction to Computational Neuroscience (WS)
Theoretical neuroscience - Fluctuations and correlations in neuronal networks (SS)
Cortical Structure and Function (SS)
Prof. Dr. Sonja Grün
Theoretical Systems Neurobiology, Faculty 1, Department of Biology, RWTH Aachen
Data analysis with Python (SS)
Introduction to Computational Neuroscience (Lecture) (WS)
Cortical Structure and Function (SS)
Prof. Dr. Moritz Helias
Theory of Neuronal Networks, Faculty 1, Department of Physics, RWTH Aachen
Statistical mechanics of neuronal networks (WS)
Theoretische Physik II : Elektrodynamik (Vorlesung) (WS)
Statistical Physics (SS)
Quantentheorie der Vielteilchensysteme (SS)
Grundlegende Rechentechniken für das Phystikstudium (WS)
Prof. Dr. Abigail Morrison
Neural Computation, Faculty 1, Department of Computer Science 3, RWTH Aachen
Neuroinspired Computing (SS/WS)
If you want to attend our courses, you can find more information at RWTH Online.
At University of Cologne
Sacha van Albada is teaching at the Department of Biology at the University of Cologne.
Prof. Dr. Sacha van Albada
Junior Professor in Computational Neuroanatomy
Essentials in Neuroscience (MSc level course in biological sciences, lecture and seminar)
Computational Neuroscience (MSc level course in biological sciences, mathematics, physics, computational sciences)
New Masters at RWTH in planning
- Computational Life Science
- Neuroscience