4th Summer School on Fire Dynamics Modeling 2024

Over the last decades the demand for the modeling of fire dynamics grew significantly and the increasing complexity of the models makes them less accessible. This summer school aims to help fire safety engineers and scientists to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying theory and algorithms of fire modeling. Detailed theoretical discussions on the fundamental models are provided by some model developers themselves. The theoretical parts are then accompanied by practical exercises, mostly based on the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Besides the presentation of the models, scientific pre- and post-processing, with the publicly available programming language Python, is demonstrated. The participants have the possibility to use the JURECA supercomputer for the exercises during the summer school. Furthermore, discussion of validation methods completes the curriculum.
This school does not only target learning more about the underlying numerical models in common fire simulation software, like FDS, but also enables the participants to get in touch with other users as well as model developers. Since special emphasis is put on scientific work, the participants should have at least a Master’s degree in a suitable topic and a solid background in mathematics.
General Information
Dates: 24.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
Venue: Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ), Germany
Language: English
Cost: The summer school is free of charge for the participants from academia and industry. Travel and accommodation cost have to be paid by the participants themselves!
Number of participants: approx. 30 participants
Registration deadline: 01.03.2024
Lecturer Team
- Jason Floyd
- Simo Hostikka
- Bjarne Husted
- Randall McDermott
- Kevin McGrattan
- Marcos Vanella
- Emanuele Gissi
- Alexander Belt
- Lukas Arnold
Intended Schedule

(Last Updated: 19.06.2024)
Please note that this schedule might still undergo changes!
For a general impression, visit the website of our last (2022) summer school. Link
Accommodation Options
The lectures will take place in the Forschungszentrum Jülich. We suggest finding accommodation in the city of Aachen, a larger and historical city close to Jülich. To get an impression of the city, have a look at the Aachen city map. Please note that there will be a bus service organized from Aachen to the Forschungszentrum every morning and evening. This service is free of charge for the participants of the summer school.
Please find some hotel recommendations below:
- Hotel Lousberg
- Best Western Hotel Regence
- Hotel ibis budget Aachen City
- Novotel Aachen City
- Best Western Hotel Royal
How to reach us
We have arranged a bus shuttle for all participants of the Summer School. It will leave each morning at 8:00 am at the
"Sandkaulstraße 2, 52062 Aachen" [50.778638 N, 6.088743 E].
You can find further information on how to reach the Research Center by car, train or bus, here.
The event will take place in the Rotunda of the Jülich Supercomputing Center which is located in building 16.4.
You can find the Rotunda (16.4) and the visitor center (u) marked on the map below.
You can also download a campus map here.

The registration is closed. You can expect a decision about your participation until 18.03.2024.
Fire Dynamics Group at Jülich: fire@fz-juelich.de