Jülich Data Challenges - FZJ Hackathon (16-19 March 2021)
Based on existing experiences in creating, hosting and advertising plant science data challenges, a group of JULAIN researchers has been formed to publish further data challenges and to invent 'Jülich Challenges’ as a label for our unique scientific data and according research problems.
‘Jülich Challenges’ target ML researchers, or traditional image analysts, looking for interesting data to work on, that allow quick results for fast publications. As benefits for FZJ we expect to attract ML and AI specialists to our unique data sets, scientific questions and therewith to provide solutions for Jülich-specific research questions. This comes with an increased visibility in the fields of ML and AI - across domains and within the ML communities.
The Data Hackathon will take place from 16 to 19 March 2021. Further information and the registration form can be found at https://hifis-events.hzdr.de/event/51/.