The scientific work of IKP-2 focuses on two major topics:
- Precision experiments with polarized particles.
A central project here is the search for permanent electric dipole moments (EDM) of charged hadrons (JEDI), which - if they exist - can provide an answer to the question why the universe today contains almost exclusively matter, although according to current understanding matter and antimatter were created in equal amounts shortly after the Big Bang.
In 2015, Prof. Livia Ludhova was recruited as part of the HGF recruitment initiative and now leads a group on neutrino physics at IKP-2. The research in the field of leptons ideally complements the work on hadrons.
The former hadron physics experiments at the internal detector systems ANKE und WASA have been finished successfully at the end of the previous funding period. Here, the focus is on data analysis. The scientific results concerning hadron physics at COSY have been summarized in an review article.