Double Recognition for Christian Stern at MS&T conference 2024

The publication “Correlative Characterization of Plasma Etching Resistance of Various Aluminum Garnets” by Christian Stern and co-authors was honored with the Rising Star Award by The American Ceramic Society at the MS&T Conference held from October 6-9 in Pittsburgh. This award recognizes young scientists who contribute to ceramics and glass technology with pioneering research. The awarded manuscripts are considered among the best publications in the organization’s journals. The honored work was published as part of Mr. Stern's doctoral research in collaboration with IET-1 and GfE (Central Facility For Electron Microscopy) at RWTH Aachen as part of an industrial collaboration.

Additionally, Mr. Stern received the GEMS Award (Graduate Excellence in Materials Science and Engineering) in the Diamond category for his presentation of the publication. This recognition presented by The American Ceramic Society honors exceptional achievements by young scientists during their doctoral studies.

Doppelte Auszeichnung für Christian Stern auf der MS&T-Konferenz in Pittsburgh

Associated Publication:
C. Stern, C. Schwab, M. Kindelmann, M. Stamminger, T. E. Weirich, I. Park, F. Hausen, M. Finsterbusch, M. Bram, O. Guillon:
Correlative characterization of plasma etching resistance of various aluminum garnets” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2024;107:7105–7118.”

Last Modified: 04.11.2024