de en
The staff of the administration support all departments of the INM in their administrative processes. They help you in all finance, personnel and procurement matters and prepare calculations for project, budget and personnel planning. In addition, they coordinate the building management and take care of the locking system.
Markus Clemens
Leiter der INM-Verwaltung
- Financial controlling and management of third-party funds
- Advice for submission of project applications
- Supervision of third-party funding projects
- Preparation of project and budget calculations
- Responsible for overall matters for INM-1, INM-7, INM-9, INM-10 und IAS-6
Adolf Geiger
Leiter der INM-Verwaltung
- Management of the 'INM-Raumausschuss'
- Coordination of the building management
- Supervision of building activities
- Responsible for overall matters for INM-2, INM-3, INM-4, INM-5, INM-11, INM-ICF and ZT
Hannah Bianca Goldammer
Personalsachbearbeiterin (INM)
- Preparation of job advertisements
- Processing of personnel procedures (hiring of new staff, contract renewal etc.)
- Preparation of reference letters
- Preparation of staff overviews
Markus Thoma
Personalsachbearbeiter (INM)
- Preparation of job advertisements
- Processing of and advice on personnel procedures (hiring of new staff, contract renewal etc.)
- Preparation of reference letters
- Preparation of staff overviews
- Support for overall matters (e.g. reorganization of institutes)
- Absence representative for processing orders and managing the locking system
Carla Vonhoegen
Sachbearbeiterin Beschaffungswesen (INM)
- Processing and monitoring of orders
- Handling of delivery receipts
- Examination of invoices
- Processing of complaints
- Administration of the locking system
- Management of fixed assets ('Geräteverwalterin')
Violetta Wiebe
Auszubildende (INM)
Assistance with
- the processing of orders
- the administration of the locking system
- the management of fixed assets ('Anlagevermögen')
Last Modified: 14.08.2024