European Quantum Computer to be Built at Jülich
Taking quantum technologies in Europe from the research lab to everyday applications: this is the aim of the Quantum Flagship research initiative, which was launched in 2018. With a budget of € 1 billion and a project duration of 10 years, this is one of the EU’s most ambitious research initiatives. It brings together research establishments, universities, companies, and political stakeholders, while also supporting large-scale, long-term research projects aiming to propel Europe to the forefront of quantum technology.
More than 5,000 researchers from science and industry are involved in the initiative. During its first phase, it will provide funding to 20 research projects. Forschungszentrum Jülich will contribute its expertise to three projects. According to the initiative’s plans, Forschungszentrum Jülich will become the home of a future quantum computer, which will be developed together with partners from science and industry.
OpenSuperQ Project: A European Quantum Computer
Ten partners from science and industry are involved in the OpenSuperQ project. Over three years, until 2021, they will develop and build a European quantum computer – the first at this level and a world leader among comparable systems. In particular, the quantum computer will speed up the simulation of processes in the fields of chemistry and materials science as well as machine learning, a sub-area of artificial intelligence.
As part of the initiative, a research lab will be established at Forschungszentrum Jülich, to which scientists from across the world will have open access via the cloud. Prof. David DiVincenzo, a pioneer in the field of quantum information and director at the Peter Grünberg Institute – Theoretical Nanoelectronics (PGI-2) and the JARA-Institute Quantum Information (PGI-11), and Prof. Kristel Michielsen, head of the Quantum Information Processing research group at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre, are heavily involved in the project.
The project is being coordinated by Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch from the University of the Saarland. Alongside Forschungszentrum Jülich, ETH Zurich is one of the project partners.
OpenSuperQ project website: OpenSuperQ
Quantum Sensors and Quantum Simulation
PGI scientists are also involved in two other projects:
The ASTERIQs project aims to use crystallographic defects in diamonds to develop high-performance quantum sensors, such as for the electric vehicle industry or for lab-on-a-chip nuclear magnetic resonance for the early diagnosis of diseases.
The PASQuanS project, meanwhile, strives to find new approaches to simulations in order to solve issues in the fields of statistical physics and materials research, for example.
Quantum Flagship Coordination
To maximize the potential of the Quantum Flagship project right from the start, it will be controlled and coordinated by the Quantum Support Action (QSA) initiative during the early stages. Prof. Tommaso Calarco, director at Jülich’s Peter Grünberg Institute – Quantum Control (PGI-8), heads the QSA, which will lay the foundation for the flagship’s future coordination and support measures.
Calarco is also Chair of the Quantum Community Network, a network of high-profile members of the quantum technology community. The network will support appropriate integration of the large number of European interest groups. Read an interview with Prof. Tommaso Calarco here.
Koordiniert wird das Projekt von Prof. Frank Wilhelm-Mauch von der Universität des Saarlandes. Zu den Partnern gehört neben dem Forschungszentrum Jülich unter anderem auch die ETH Zürich.
Zur Website des Projektes OpenSuperQ (engl.)
Quantensensorik und Quantensimulation
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des PGI sind darüber hinaus an zwei weiteren Projekten beteiligt:
"ASTERIQS" wird Defekte im Kristallgitter von Diamanten nutzen, um eine leistungsfähige Quantensensorik zu entwickeln, etwa für die Elektroautoindustrie und für Lab-on-Chip-Kernspinresonanz zur Früherkennung bei Krankheiten.
Weitere Informationen (engl.):
Im Projekt "PASQuanS" sollen neue Zugänge zu Simulationen gefunden werden, um Fragen beispielsweise der statistischen Physik und der Materialforschung neu bearbeiten zu können.
Weitere Informationen (engl.):
Die Koordination des Quantum-Flagship
Um das volle Potenzial des Quantum-Flagship von Anfang an auszuschöpfen, wird es in der Anfangsphase durch die sogenannte Quantum Support Action (QSA) gesteuert und koordiniert. Prof. Tommaso Calarco, Direktor des Bereichs Quantum Control (PGI-8) des Jülicher Peter Grünberg Instituts, leitet die QSA, die den Grundstein für künftige Koordinierungs- und Unterstützungsmaßnahmen legt.
Calarco ist außerdem Vorsitzender des Quantum Community Network, einem Netzwerk von hochkarätigen Mitgliedern der Quantentechnologie-Community. Dieses soll helfen, die große Anzahl von Interessengruppen in Europa angemessen einzubinden. Lesen Sie hier ein Interview mit Prof. Tommaso Calarco.