
March 2024 to February 2025



More FAIR to Pedestrian Dynamics Data

The overall goal is to improve the FAIRness of our openly shared experimental data by enhancing its Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability (FAIR).

During the first project “FAIR2PED” a metadata schema for our experimental pedestrian dynamics data was developed and uniform and coherent data structures were implemented to specifically improve the findability and interoperability of the data.

During the follow-up project “FAIR2PED +”, direct data access and metadata synchronization between different metadata repositories (e.g. JülichDATA, DataCite) will be established. These new implementations will further enhance the FAIRness of your data, promote the usage of the developed research data management tools as a standard in our community and facilitate the direct access of machine learning application.

Contact: Dr. Maik Boltes, Alica Kandler