Site map

Building 04.8.

How to reach PGI-1,2,4,6, and 7 and IBI-4 and 8 (buildings 04.6 and 04.8):

Before entering the campus of Forschungszentrum Jülich, please register at the visitors' reception.

After entering the campus, follow the road and turn right at the T-junction. After about 200 m turn left. Building 4.6 in front of you is part of PGI und IBI.

PGI main entrance

The main entrance of PGI and IBI-4 and 8 (building 4.8) is located at the end of the car park.

Orientation map


Campus map (PDF, 2 MB)


Site map


Campus map (PDF, 506 kB)

Last Modified: 10.02.2023