Six Jülich Scientists Included on List of Highly Cited Researchers 2021
Jülich, 16 November 2021 – Six Jülich researchers have been named among the most frequently cited scientists in the world: Prof. Simon Eickhoff from the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine – Brain and Behaviour, Prof. Björn Usadel from the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Bioinformatics, Dr. Hendrik Poorter from the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Plant Sciences, Prof. Michael Saliba from the Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Photovoltaics, Prof. Wulf Amelung from the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences – Agrosphere and Prof. Christoph Brabec from the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy. They have been included by the Web of Science Group, which is part of Clarivate, on its list of Highly Cited Researchers.