Monday, 16.09.2024 08:30 am - 09:00 am | Introduction | Rolf Müller Paul Konopka |
09:15 am - 10:45 am | Structure of the Atmosphere - layering (troposphere, stratosphere, ...)
- barometric formula, temperature gradient, potential temperature, isentropes
- water in the atmosphere
- ozone
| Paul Konopka |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm | Atmospheric chemistry I (part 1) - atmospheric composition
- photochemically active radiation and its height dependence
- photochemistry, radicals, gas phase kinetics
- lifetime of molecules and molecule families
| Jörg Kleffmann Philip Carlsson |
12:15 pm - 01:45 pm | Lunch break | |
01:45 pm - 03:00 pm | Atmospheric chemistry I (part 2) | Jörg Kleffmann Philip Carlsson |
03:15 pm - 04:45 pm | Dynamics of the atmosphere - transport and mixing in the atmosphere
- diffusion, advection, and turbulence
- Navier-Stokes equations and Ekman spiral
- atmospheric scales in time and space
- global circulation
| Yaping Shao Christian Wegener |
Tuesday, 17.09.2024 09:00 am - 10:30 am | Tropospheric gas phase chemistry - loss of organic trace gases by OH, O3 und NO3 (reaction mechanisms)
- selected trace gas cycles
- anthropogenic impacts on tropospheric chemistry
| Jörg Kleffmann |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm | Tropospheric aerosols - aerosol sources and dynamical processes
- regional size distributions
- chemical ageing and composition
- spatial and vertical distributions
| Alexandra Tsimpidi |
12:15 pm - 01:45 pm | Lunch break | |
01:45 pm - 03:00 pm | The stratospheric circulation in a changing climate - global stratospheric circulation and its forcing mechanism
- diagnosing the circulation
- changes of the stratospheric circulation in a warming climate
| Felix Plöger |
03:15 pm - 04:45 pm | Radiative processes and climate change - radiative budget in the atmosphere
- atmospheric dynamics versus radiative equlibrium
- radiative forcing and climate sensitivity
| Paul Konopka |
05:00 pm - 06:00 pm | Tropospheric chemistry modelling: chemical processing of trace constituents in the troposphere - online emissions and chemical mechanisms
- dry and wet deposition
- tropospheric budgets
| Domenico Taraborrelli |
Wednesday, 18.09.2024 09:00 am - 10:30 am | The importance of clouds and new approaches for observations using groundbased remote sensing - Clouds in the global climate system
- Cloud types
- Methods for cloud observations
| Ulrich Löhnert Bernhard Pospichal |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm | Ice clouds - observations and simulations - Cirrus observations: in-situ and satellite climatologies
- Cirrus simulations: origins and freezing mechanisms
| Christian Rolf |
12:15 pm - 01:45 pm | Lunch break | |
01:45 pm - 03:00 pm | Experimental methods for the analysis of atmospheric trace gases - analysis of greenhouse gases
- volatile organic compounds
- reactive nitrogen oxides
| Robert Wegener |
03:15 pm - 06:15 pm | Lab tour through IEK7/8 - In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System (IAGOS)
- GLORIA (remote sensing of trace gases and aerosols)
- Atmospheric simulation chamber (SAPHIR)
- Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution (JOYCE)
- In situ trace gases (AirCore/MOSES)
| |
07:00 pm | Conference Dinner (Restaurant Indemann) | free for all participants (bus transfer is provided) |
Thursday, 19.09.2024 09:00 am - 10:30 am | Data assimilation (DA) and inversion of chemistry-transport models - methods of data assimilation
- tropospheric and stratospheric chemistry DA
- inversion
| Anne Lange Philipp Franke |
10:45 am - 12:15 pm | Stratospheric Chemistry - Chapman cycle
- catalytic ozone destruction cycles and chlorofluorocarbons
- polar ozone and polar stratospheric clouds
| Jens-Uwe Grooß Rolf Müller |
12:15 pm - 01:45 pm | Lunch break | |
01:45 pm - 03:00 pm | Optical properties of aerosol particles – basic principles and related measurement methods - aerosol parameters and aerosol-climate interaction
- optical properties and their relation to particle chemical composition
- measuring concepts (light extinction, scattering, and absorption)
- optical closure studies
| Patrick Weber Andreas Petzold |
03:15 pm - 04:15 pm | Emerging biogenic and anthropogenic emissions and their impact on air quality - Emerging pollutants in a changing climate
- Instruments and measurement platforms for quantifying pollutants with varying volatility
- Flux measurements for determining emissions
- Statistical tools for assessing the impact of atmospheric chemistry on different pollution sources
| Georgios Gkatzelis |
04:30 pm - 06:00 pm | Atmospheric remote sensing - satellite measurments
- atmospheric radiative transfer
- temperature soundings
| Sabine Grießbach Lars Hoffmann |
Friday, 20.09.2024 09:00 am - 10:30 am | Global change of the Earth's atmospheric composition and climate - Past and future changes in factors influencing radiative forcing
- Essentials from the IPCC 6th Assessment Report
- Policy options and considerations
| Johannes Laube |
10:45 am - 11:45 am | Geoengineering - Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)
- Solar Radiation Management (SRM)
- studies on achievability of these methods
| Rolf Müller Jens-Uwe Grooß |
11:45 am - 12:15 pm | Discussion | |
12:15 pm - 01:45 pm | Lunch break | |
01:45 pm - 03:00 pm | Introduction to modelling of chamber experiments - Introduction to chemical box modelling
- Available online tools for box modelling
- Lumping of species
- How to choose the appropriate model for different types of experiments
| Anna Novelli |
03:15 pm - 04:45 pm | Exercise: modelling a real chamber experiment - Familiarize with the modelling tools
- Implementation of chamber effects
- Modelling of a real experiment
- Sensitivity studies on the impact of different rate coefficients
| Anna Novelli |