Summer School 2020
A collective course with the University of Cologne and the University of Wuppertal from September 28th to October 2nd 2020 (full-time) with an optional extension to October 3rd will take place at the Institute of Energy and Climate Research at the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Due to the exceptional situation, related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will offer only a very limited form of our compact course this year (for more details see General Information and Registration)
The atmosphere is a key component of the biosphere. Atmospheric physics is in the focus of scientific research for a long time, with weather forecasts as one of the most striking examples. In contrast, atmospheric chemistry has attracted major attention only since the last three decades. It has been recognized that reactions of trace gases in the Earth's atmosphere are a necessary precondition for a resilient and sustainable development of life on Earth. Chemical processes transform emitted organic and inorganic compounds, which enter the atmosphere by anthropogenic or biogenic activities, into water soluble compounds. Wet and dry deposition remove part of the pollutants from the atmosphere.
Human activities, especially beginning with the industrial revolution, led to a substantial increase of emissions, which have already degraded the natural chemical state of the atmosphere. Summer smog and polar ozone hole are phenomena, which demonstrate harmful impacts of anthropogenic activities. Signs of anthropogenic climate change are unambiguous.
The objective of the course is to provide an introduction to the basics of atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. Students will be enabled to gain a qualitative and quantitative understanding for physical and chemical processes, which control the state of the atmosphere. Terms like greenhouse effect or radiative forcing will be explained from the physics point of view. An optional extension allows to learn about the usage of simulation chambers for atmospheric research.
Forschungszentrum Juelich
Dr. Ulrich Bundke
PD Dr. Hendrik Fuchs
Dr. Jens-Uwe Grooß
Dr. Lars Hoffmann
PD Dr. Andreas Hofzumahaus
Prof. Dr. Astrid Kiendler-Scharr
PD Dr. Paul Konopka
Dr. Martina Krämer
PD Dr. Thomas Mentel
PD Dr. Rolf Müller
PD Dr. Andreas Petzold
Prof. Dr. Martin Riese
Dr. Domenico Taraborrelli
Dr. Marc von Hobe
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wahner
Dr. Robert Wegener
University of Wuppertal
University of Cologne
- Dr. Cedrick Ansorge
- Prof. Dr. Susanne Crewell
- PD Dr. Hendrik Elbern
- Dr. Bernhard Pospichal
- Prof. Dr. Yaping Shao
Interuniversity Laboratory of Atmospheric Systems | LISA