
Device (development / design / structuring) and laser technologies

In the Laser Processes and Module Technology group, the required laser processes, i.e. the selective ablation of front contact, absorber and back contact materials, are investigated and optimized.

Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells

We fabricate, characterize and simulate organic and perovskite solar cells. We develop processes and focus on understanding of loss processes, particularly recombination of charge carriers.

Photovoltaic-electrochmical Devices

We work on the integration of photovoltaics with different types of storage like batteries for continuous solar power generation, and electrolyzers converting carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight into valuable chemical products.

PV Performance Lab

In this working group, starting from the exciting question of the performance of solar cells and solar modules, we deal with more advanced topics such as the longevity and reliability of solar modules of different technologies up to yield analyses of PV modules in different climatic zones.

Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells and Modules

This research group is working on crystalline silicon solar cells and modules that apply a heterojunction with amorphous silicon to achieve high open-circuit voltages.


In the Laser Processes and Module Technology group, the required laser processes, i.e. the selective ablation of front contact, absorber and back contact materials, are investigated and optimized.



Last Modified: 16.10.2024