Solar cell and modul Characterisation
We optimize and expand existing characterization methods and measurement techniques for performance determination and develop new methods for the analysis of solar cells and modules. Due to our expertise in thin-film photovoltaics, we cover a wide range of technologies and measurement methods. In particular, understanding the impact of metastable effects helps us to characterize even the latest technologies such as perovskite-silicon tandem cells.
A focus of our work is the development of new imaging measurement methods (EL/PL/IR), such as determining current collection efficiency from luminescence images (current collection efficiency mapping, see figure below) or splitting the thermal losses of a solar cell using lock-in thermography

Figure: Current collection efficiency of a microcrystalline solar cell at a voltage of 0.53V.
Source: Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 163507 (2014),