Dr. Cláudia Régio Brambilla is awarded the Friedrich-Wilhelm Prize
17th November 2023
The Institute of Medical Imaging Physics (INM-4) is delighted to congratulate Dr. Cláudia Régio Brambilla on being awarded the Friedrich-Wilhelm Prize by the Faculty of Medicine at RWTH Aachen for her dissertation titled "mGluR5 receptor binding with [11C]ABP688 in a multimodal PET/MR-EEG protocol during rest and activation states in schizophrenia." Dr Régio Brambilla completed her dissertation in the INM-4 under the joint guidance of Dr Christoph Lerche, Prof. Dr Irene Neuner, and Prof. Dr N. Jon Shah.
The Friedrich Wilhelm Foundation has presented the Friedrich-Wilhelm Prize annually since 1986 to recognise outstanding scientific achievements by students and scientists at RWTH Aachen University.
In addition to this esteemed award, Dr Régio Brambilla has also been awarded the Borchers Badge for her exceptional performance in the doctoral examination, earning the grade of "With Distinction." The Borchers Badge is bestowed as a Badge of Honour.