The research and development activities of the Medical Imaging Physics division (INM-4) of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine concentrate on the development, experimental validation and the clinical implementation of novel brain imaging methods.
The researchers of the INM-4 develop, operate and maintain the scanners of the INM. Additionally, in cooperation with other divisions of the Institute and external researchers, numerous scientific studies into various neuroscientific problems are conducted.

The research and development activities of the Medical Imaging Physics division (INM-4) of the Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine concentrate on the development, experimental validation and the clinical implementation of novel brain imaging methods. The focal points comprise the development of novel methods in the area of ultra-high field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the development of hybrid imaging combining MRI with positron emission tomography (PET). Such combinations present unique opportunities for the simultaneous acquisition of structural changes, physiological and biochemical data and provide excellent perspectives for clinical applications to neurological diseases, e.g. for the diagnosis and therapy of brain tumours. In cooperation with our partner institutes, novel tracers for PET-MR imaging are investigated in animal experiments and validated by means of autoradiography, immunofluorescence imaging and histological methods.
The researchers of the INM-4 develop, operate and maintain the scanners of the INM. Additionally, in cooperation with other divisions of the Institute and external researchers, numerous scientific studies into various neuroscientific problems are conducted.

The Institute INM-4 cooperates with national and international partners.

Further information on the Institute and its teams.