Partners & Projects

Important Partners & Projects

ICA works together with numerous partners from science and industry at the national and international level.


QSolid is a collaborative research project aimed at advancing the development of cutting-edge quantum computing technologies, focusing on building error-corrected, highly scalable quantum processors based on superconducting qubits. It brings together leading research institutions and industry partners in Germany to create robust, secure, and application-ready quantum systems.

ICA is actively involved in the QSolid project as lead of the work package “Technologies for Hardware-Integration”. We are developing optimized cryoelectronics and cryogenic packaging solutions to facilitate high-density electrical interconnects and effective thermal management. These efforts aim to enable the co-integration of cryogenic control systems with qubits, ensuring efficient operation of quantum processing units (QPUs). In addition to cryoelectronics we are also responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining cost-effective room temperature electronics tailored to the requirements of quantum processor demonstrators.

Find out more about QSolid:

Additional Information: (Since January 1st ZEA-2 is "ICA")

Last Modified: 30.12.2024