Jülich Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (JSRL)
Synchrotron radiation combines a number of unique properties, such as high brilliance, a wide range of photon energies from the infrared to the hard x-ray range, a, deliberate choice of photon polarization, and a flexible time structure. It is an ideal probe to study the state of matter in great detail. Structural, electronic and magnetic aspects can be conveniently addressed and investigated in a way complementary to neutrons.
The activities of the Peter Grünberg Institute in the field of synchrotron radiation are coordinated by the Jülich Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (JSRL). The JSRL has three main tasks:
I. Operating proprietary beamlines and endstations at selected synchrotron radiation sources
We operate beamlines and dedicated experimental end stations at the following light sources, which have been chosen for their particular performance. The endstations are located at:
- BL5 U-250-PGM at DELTA (Dortmund)
- UE-56-I PGM at BESSY (Berlin)
- Nanospectroscopy Beamline at Elettra (Trieste, Italy)
- MuCAT at APS (Argonne, USA)
These beamlines cover more than 4 orders of magnitude in photon energy from 5 eV to 150 keV and provide photons to the following endstations:
- Spin- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectrometer JuSPIN (DELTA)
- Aberration-corrected emission electron microscope TRAXPEEM (BESSY)
- Energy-filtered emission electron microscope NanoESCA@Elettra (Elettra)
- X-ray scattering station (APS)
JSRL also provides the framework and expertise for the development of new beamlines and experimental concepts, and thus acts as a valuable partner for synchrotron radiation laboratories throughout the world.
II. Planning and carrying out experiments within the PGI research programme
The above equipment permits a wide range of experiments to be carried out:
- high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy
- spin-polarized photoemission spectroscopy
- spectromicroscopy
- time-resolved photoemission microscopy
- XUV and X-ray optics and magnetooptics
- X-ray absorption (XAS) and emission spectroscopy (XES)
- Resonant and magnetic x-ray scattering
- X-ray reflectometry
- X-ray surface diffraction
- high energy x-ray scattering
- X-ray small angle scattering
Within the research programme of the PGI, we employ these techniques to investigate the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of materials. These range from metals to semiconductors and insulators, and cover bulk samples, thin film systems, nanoscale devices and molecular structures. Our work places particular emphasis on magnetism, spin electronics, spin dynamics and resistive switching.
III. Enabling access to external users
The JSRL also provides access to its instruments to university partners and external research groups. This includes the joint planning of experiments and user support during the preparation of an experiment and during the actual experimental runs. Beamtime at the above listed synchrotron sources can be obtained by submitting proposals to the respective user offices for peer review.