Electron optics and method development
Research topics
Research areas include the development and distribution of exit wave phase reconstruction tools together with research activities in the field of spherical aberration-corrected high-resolution (scanning) transmission electron microscopy with a special emphasis on the application of these techniques to advanced materials combinations for technological applications.
- Instrument development & improvement
- Performance characterization and resolution assessment
- High-precision aberration measurement and aberration monitoring
- Numerical procedures for the quantification of electron microscopy images
- Simulation of electron scattering and solution of the inverse scattering problem
- Simulation of HRTEM/HRSTEM imaging & development of phase-retrieval methods
- Model-based reconstruction of magnetization from electron optical phase images
- Theory and characterization of electron detectors

Dr. Andreas Thust
Phone: +49 2461 61-6644
e-Mail: a.thust@fz-juelich.de
Last Modified: 15.02.2022