Parallel transmit pulse design
One of the current fields of research in MRI concerns the design of spatially selective radio frequency pulses for parallel transmission. The main motivations behind enhancing the technology can be broadly catagorised into three areas: enhancing the precision of imaging results, acceleration of data acquisition, and mitigation of radio frequency field distortions at high and ultra-high frequencies.
- Vahedipour K, Stöcker T, Brenner D, Shah N.J., B1DER: Multi-channel multi-dimensional spatially selective excitation, Proceedings of ESMRMB 2009, Antlya, TR
- Vahedipour K, Stöcker T, Shah, N.J., Partial Fourier spatially selected excitation - a neglected potential, Proceedings of ESMRMB 2009, Antalya, TR
Last Modified: 06.03.2023