Novel copper mediators for the efficient production of 18F-labeled aromatics


To reduce the precursor amounts required for Cu-mediated radiofluorination, a series of new mediators for the 18F-labeling of aryl boronic and stannyl substrates was identified through a systematic evaluation of various copper complexes. Under optimized reaction conditions, application of these mediators significantly improved the 18F-labeling yields compared to conventional Cu(Py)4(OTf)2 despite the use of reduced precursor amounts. The practicality of the new mediators was demonstrated by the efficient production of several established and emerging PET tracers as well as transfer of the optimized protocol to an automated radiosynthesis module.

Neue Kupfermediatoren für die effiziente Produktion von 18F-markierten Aromaten
Neue Kupfermediatoren für die effiziente Produktion von 18F-markierten Aromaten

Hoffmann, C.; Kolks, N.; Smets, D.; Haseloer, A.; Gröner, B.; Urusova, E.; Endepols, H.; Neumaier, F.; Ruschewitz, U.; Klein, A.; Neumaier, B.; Zlatopolskiy, B. D.

Next Generation Copper Mediators for the Efficient Production of 18F‐Labeled Aromatics

Chemistry - a European journal 2023, 29(2).

Last Modified: 11.10.2024