Blood Flow: Current State and Future Prospects
9 - 11 October 2017 Paris, France

Blood flow plays a fundamental role in a wide range of physiological processes and pathologies in the organism including transport of molecules and cells, organism defence, haemostasis, and various diseases.
The Blood Flow conference, held on 9-11 October 2017 in Paris, France, aims at discussing current state of research on blood flow and its future prospects. This interdisciplinary conference will gather experimentalists and theoreticians to discuss mechanical, physical, and biomedical aspects of blood flow.
Even though the main focus is intended to be on biophysical aspects of blood cells and blood flow, practical and clinical applications related to blood flow will be also part of the conference. The conference will include invited and contributed presentations and a poster session.
- Dmitry Fedosov (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)
- Alexander Farutin (CNRS, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, France)
- Chaouqi Misbah (CNRS, Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, France)
- Christian Wagner (Saarland University, Germany)
Funding and support
We gratefully acknowledge support and funding from the following institutions:
- Forschungszentrum Jülich
- Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
- University of Grenoble Alpes
- Saarland University
Blood plays an essential role in many physiological and pathological processes of the organism, which motivates large scientific efforts to understand its behavior at the macro-flow scale as well as at the level of single cells. Blood is a complex fluid that exhibits a number of non-Newtonian characteristics, including viscoelasticity, shear-thinning, and yield stress. These properties result from viscoelastic characteristics of blood cells and their intricate behavior in a complex flow environment. Modern in vivo and in vitro experimental techniques in combination with sophisticated computational approaches allow nowadays to describe blood flow at the macroscale and to relate it to the behavior and interactions of single blood cells.
The main aim of the conference is to discuss current state of research on blood flow and its future prospects. This interdisciplinary conference will gather experimentalists and theoreticians to discuss mechanical, physical, and biomedical aspects of blood flow. Even though the main focus is intended to be on biophysical aspects of blood cells and blood flow, practical and clinical applications related to blood flow will be also part of the conference.
The topics will include, but are not limited to:
- Blood cell mechanics
- Hemorheology
- Hemodynamics
- Blood cell behaviour in flow
- Blood cell adhesion
- Biomedical applications
- In vivo and in vitro approaches
- Blood diseases and disorders
- Model systems including vesicles and capsules
- Theory and modelling
Invited Speakers
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Mohandas Narla (New York Blood Center, USA)
- Sergey Shevkoplyas (University of Houston, USA)
- Manouk Abkarian (Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, France)
- Thomas Podgorski (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, France)
- Thomas Fischer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- YongKeun (Paul) Park (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)
- Annie Viallat (Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, France)
- Timothy Secomb (University of Arizona, USA)
- Jonathan Freund (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
- Takuji Ishikawa (Tohoku University, Japan)
- Anne-Virginie Salsac (Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France)
- Ming-Chih Lai (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan)
- Paolo Decuzzi (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
- Anirban Sen Gupta (Case Western Reserve University, USA)
Scientific Programme
The conference will include invited and contributed presentations and a poster session.
The conference is planned to start at 9:00 on the 9th of October and finish in the afternoon on the 11th of October.
The detailed conference programme can be downloaded here Programme Blood Flow 2017 (PDF, 57 kB) .
You can also download the conference's Book of Abstracts (PDF, 3 MB) here.