Microswimmers – From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour

International Conference, organized by the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1726 – Microswimmers

04 – 07 October 2016
at the Forschungszentrum caesar, Bonn, Germany


The science of self-propelled microscopic agents is a fascinating, multidisciplinary field with high relevance in biology and life sciences and large potential impact on technology. Progress in this interdisciplinary field is facilitated by the joint efforts of researchers from physics, biology, chemistry, material sciences, and engineering.

The close collaboration of experiment and simulation, the development of new fabrication methods, and the advancement of theory has led to a rapid increase in the understanding of natural swimmers and design of artificial swimmers in recent years. In this conference, we aim to unite scientist from all disciplines in the field of microswimmers to promote the dissemination of insight and progress in the community beyond the disciplinary borders. We intend to focus on:

Cells and Microorganisms
• Artificial Swimmers
• Nano- and Microbots
• Swimming Mechanisms
• Collective Behaviour
• Synchronization
• Swimming in Confinement and External Fields
• Related Systems (Tissue Growth, Motility Assays, …)

The programme will consist of invited and contributed talks, and poster sessions.

Scientific Organization

Gerhard Gompper (Forschungszentrum Jülich) – SPP Coordinator
Clemens Bechinger (University of Stuttgart)
Stephan Herminghaus (MPI for Dynamics of Complex Fluids, Goettingen)
U. Benjamin Kaupp (Forschungszentrum caesar, Bonn)
Hartmut Löwen (University of Düsseldorf)
Holger Stark (Technical University Berlin)
Roland G. Winkler (Forschungszentrum Jülich)


New! Book of Abstracts-Microswimmers Conference 2016 (pdf, ca. 65MB)

International Conference - Flyer (PDF, 2 MB)

International Conference - Poster (PDF, 3 MB)


Letzte Änderung: 14.06.2024