Microswimmers – From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour

Summer School of the DFG Priority Programme 1726 – Microswimmers

21 – 25 September 2015 in Jülich, Germany


Group photo of the Microswimmers Summer School 2015

Group photo of the Microswimmers Summer School 2015
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Click here for more pictures from the Summer School!

The study of the mechanisms and dynamics of autonomous microswimmers is a fascinating field at the cutting edge of science. It combines the biophysics of self-propulsion via motor proteins, artificial propulsion mechanisms, swimming strategies at low Reynolds numbers, the hydrodynamic interaction of swimmers, and the collective motion of large numbers of agents. The recent progress in experimental and simulation methods, as well as theoretical advances nowadays allow detailed studies of these systems and new insights into their behaviour, which can then be used to design novel microswimmers. This summer school gives a broad overview of the field, covering on the one hand state of the art methodological areas in experiment and simulation, and on the other current research on natural and artificial swimmers, and their collective behaviour.

The “Microswimmers” Summer School is aimed at students at the PhD level, but also at Master’s students and postdocs, from all fields related to microswimmers, in particular in physics, biology, chemistry, material sciences, and engineering. It will not only teach selected topics from various fields related to microswimmers, but also introduce participants to subjects that are typically outside the scope of each indivudual research discipline. In this way, we aim to widen horizons to encompass the truly interdisciplinary field of microswimmers and self-propelled particles. For example, physicists will gain insights into biological aspects of self-propulsion, and biologists will be introduced to experimental physical methods.

The school is supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and organized within the framework of the DFG Priority Programme “Microswimmers – from Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour”, but it is open to all students interested in learning more about this area of research.

Download the Summer School poster and flyer here!

Summer School poster (PDF, 3 MB)

Summer School flyer (PDF, 3 MB)


The study of the mechanisms and dynamics of autonomous microswimmers is a fascinating field at the cutting edge of science. It combines the biophysics of self-propulsion via motor proteins, artificial propulsion mechanisms, swimming strategies at low Reynolds numbers, the hydrodynamic interaction of swimmers, and the collective motion of large numbers of agents. The recent progress in experimental and simulation methods, as well as theoretical advances nowadays allow detailed studies of these systems and new insights into their behaviour, which can then be used to design novel microswimmers. This summer school gives a broad overview of the field, covering on the one hand state of the art methodological areas in experiment and simulation, and on the other current research on natural and artificial swimmers, and their collective behaviour.

The “Microswimmers” Summer School is aimed at students at the PhD level, but also at Master’s students and postdocs, from all fields related to microswimmers, in particular in physics, biology, chemistry, material sciences, and engineering. It will not only teach selected topics from various fields related to microswimmers, but also introduce participants to subjects that are typically outside the scope of each indivudual research discipline. In this way, we aim to widen horizons to encompass the truly interdisciplinary field of microswimmers and self-propelled particles. For example, physicists will gain insights into biological aspects of self-propulsion, and biologists will be introduced to experimental physical methods.

The school is supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and organized within the framework of the DFG Priority Programme “Microswimmers – from Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour”, but it is open to all students interested in learning more about this area of research.


Letzte Änderung: 14.06.2024