Helmholtz AI Conference 2024

Helmholtz AI Conference 2024

AI has the power to accelerate discoveries and aid us in building a better tomorrow faster – as long as we share the invaluable knowledge we possess with others. Building upon the success of our last conference in 2023, this next edition is titled "Helmholtz AI Conference 2024: AI for Science." The event is scheduled to take place from June 12th to 14th at the CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf in Düsseldorf, Germany.

12.06.2024 07:00 Uhr
14.06.2024 16:00 Uhr
CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf

The conference sessions will explore across-domain methods and applications in a variety of scientific fields, allowing for exchange between specialists, as well as showcasing the capabilities and promising outlooks of AI for science to the general audience. The program will feature two keynotes, a myriad of themed short talks discussing use cases, poster sessions and daily networking events. The conference is open to all AI researchers, industry representatives, AI enthusiasts and students in related fields.

For more information: https://www.helmholtz.ai/themenmenue/latest/events/helmholtz-ai-conference-2024/index.html

Letzte Änderung: 03.04.2024