Energy Systems Engineering (ICE-1)

ICE-1 develops models and algorithms for the simulation, optimization and control of energy systems, which are characterized by a high spatial and temporal variability of energy supply and demand, an increasing degree of intersectoral dependencies as well as an increasing digitalization. The focus is on multi-physical energy grids, industrial energy systems, and buildings and districts. A major goal of the research is to provide scalable and faster-than-real-time capable methods and tools that enable energy-optimal, cost-efficient and safe design and operation of these future energy systems. For this purpose, physical-technical system descriptions are combined with machine learning methods and customized simulation and optimization methods are developed especially for multicore, cluster and high-performance computers, which enable the handling of large-scale problems. With the help of the Reallabor "Living Lab Energy Campus" as well as a "Hardware-in-the-loop" laboratory, these innovative solution approaches for future energy systems are tested and validated under almost realistic conditions.

ICE-1 offers many opportunities for engineers and mathematicans to work in an interdisciplinary environment. We supervise Bachelor, Master and doctoral theses.
Director of the Institute
Prof. Andrea Benigni
- Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
- Energy Systems Engineering (ICE-1)
Room 4011
Prof. Dirk Müller
- Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
- Energy Systems Engineering (ICE-1)
Room 303
Prof. Alexander Mitsos
- Institute of Climate and Energy Systems (ICE)
- Energy Systems Engineering (ICE-1)
Room 303