Publications 2024 Journal Article  ;  ;
Identifying drivers and mitigators for congestion and redispatch in the German electric power system with explainable AI
Applied energy 356, 122351 () [10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.122351] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Preprint  ;  ;  ;  ;
Optimal design of a local renewable electricity supply system for power-intensive production processes with demand response
arXiv () [10.48550/ARXIV.2401.12759] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;
Globally optimal scheduling of an electrochemical process via data-driven dynamic modeling and wavelet-based adaptive grid refinement
Optimization and engineering 25, 1719-1757 () [10.1007/s11081-023-09860-6] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;
Optimal Design and Flexible Operation of a Fully Electrified Biodiesel Production Process
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 63(3), 1487 - 1500 () [10.1021/acs.iecr.3c03074] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;
Closed loop model predictive control of a hybrid battery-hydrogen energy storage system using mixed-integer linear programming
Energy conversion and management: X 22, 100561 - () [10.1016/j.ecmx.2024.100561] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
A Recursively Recurrent Neural Network (R2N2) Architecture for Learning Iterative Algorithms
SIAM journal on scientific computing 46(2), A719 - A743 () [10.1137/22M1535310] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;
Optimal design of a local renewable electricity supply system for power-intensive production processes with demand response
Computers & chemical engineering 185, 108656 - () [10.1016/j.compchemeng.2024.108656] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;
Optimal sizing and operation of electrochemical hydrogen compression
Chemical engineering science 293, 120031 - () [10.1016/j.ces.2024.120031] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Preprint  ;  ;  ;  ;
Nonlinear Manifold Learning Determines Microgel Size from Raman Spectroscopy
arXiv () [10.48550/ARXIV.2403.08376] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;
Predicting dynamic stability from static features in power grid models using machine learning
Chaos 34(1), 013139 () [10.1063/5.0175372] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;
Focus on Monitoring and Control of Complex Supply Systems
Journal of physics / Complexity 5(4), 040201 () [10.1088/2632-072X/acfadd] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Contribution to a conference proceedings/Contribution to a book  ;  ;  ;  ;
Dual Communities Characterize Structural Patterns and Robustness in Leaf Venation Networks
International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications
International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, MentonMenton, France, 28 Nov 2023 - 30 Nov 20232023-11-282023-11-30
95 pp. () [10.1007/978-3-031-53499-7_8]  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Preprint  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Predicting the Temperature Dependence of Surfactant CMCs Using Graph Neural Networks
arXiv () [10.48550/ARXIV.2403.03767] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
A branch-and-bound algorithm with growing datasets for large-scale parameter estimation
European journal of operational research 316(1), 36 - 45 () [10.1016/j.ejor.2024.02.020] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Hierarchical heat transfer modeling of a continuous millireactor
Computers & chemical engineering 183, 108621 - () [10.1016/j.compchemeng.2024.108621] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Preprint  ;  ;  ;  ;
Simultaneous design of fermentation and microbe
arXiv () [10.48550/ARXIV.2401.16188] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Preprint  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Graph Neural Networks for Surfactant Multi-Property Prediction
arXiv () [10.48550/ARXIV.2401.01874] BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Identifying key environmental objectives for integrated process and fuel design
Sustainable energy & fuels 8(9), 1966-1982 () [10.1039/D3SE01602A] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;
A black-box adversarial attack on demand side management
Computers & chemical engineering 186, 108681 - () [10.1016/j.compchemeng.2024.108681] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Itaconic acid production by co‐feeding of Ustilago maydis : A combined approach of experimental data, design of experiments, and metabolic modeling
Biotechnology & bioengineering 121, 1846-1858 () [10.1002/bit.28693] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Contribution to a conference proceedings/Contribution to a book  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Automation in Sensor Network Metrology: an Overview of Methods and their Implementations
XXIV IMEKO World Congress "Think Metrology", IMEKO2024, HamburgHamburg, Germany, 26 Jul 2024 - 29 Aug 20242024-07-262024-08-29
1-8 () [10.34734/FZJ-2024-04085] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;
Optimisation of district heating network separation for the utilisation of heat source potentials
Energy 303, 131872 - () [10.1016/] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Compensation of Systematic Errors for Improved PMU-based Fault Detection and Location in Three-Phase Distribution Grids
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 73, 9003712 () [10.1109/TIM.2024.3400340] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Contribution to a conference proceedings  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;
Building Digital Twins for Thermal Pseudo-Measurements Generation
2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), GlasgowGlasgow, United Kingdom, 20 May 2024 - 23 May 20242024-05-202024-05-23 IEEE 1-6 () [10.1109/I2MTC60896.2024.10561057]  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS Journal Article  ;  ;
Optimal sizing of battery energy storage system for local multi-energy systems: The impact of the thermal vector
Applied energy 372, 123732 - () [10.1016/j.apenergy.2024.123732] OpenAccess  Download fulltext Files BibTeX | EndNote: XML, Text | RIS

Last Modified: 29.06.2024