
ICE-1 focusses on the development of tailor-made models and algorithms for simulation and optimization of decentralized, integrated energy systems. Such systems are characterized by high spatial and temporal variability of energy supply and demand as well as by a high degree of interdependence of material and energy flows. Research at ICE-1 aims to provide scalable and real-time capable methods and tools which enable the energy-optimized, cost-efficient and safe design and operation of future energy systems. The institute has expertise in the following research fields:

  • Dynamic modeling and simulation of energy systems
  • Optimal design and operation of decentralized systems
  • State estimation and parameter estimation
  • Dynamic optimization (real-time optimization)
  • Development of new/improved optimization methods
  • Model predictive control (MPC)
  • Development of model libraries
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Usage of high performance computing (HPC) for optimization of large-scale systems

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.

Last Modified: 01.07.2024