

Exploring how quantum technologies, including quantum computing and communications, can transform the planning and operation of energy grids.

Through interdisciplinary research with electrical engineers, software developers and physicists in collaboration with our partners in NRW, we tackle fundamental problems in power systems using quantum technologies to lay the foundations for quantum-based energy grids.

Contributions from ICE-1:

Development of quantum-based procedures for the optimal planning and operation of multi-carrier energy networks. We aim to identify efficient quantum formulations and develop hybrid quantum-classical algorithms.

Creation of exemplary use cases to demonstrate the potential of quantum technologies in accelerating the simulation of decentralized energy grids. Our focus is on improving grid stability and efficiency, as well as enhancing cybersecurity to provide a sustainable and secure power system.

Website: https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/news/archive/announcements/2023/nrw-researchers-to-exploit-quantum-technologies-for-energy-grids

Last Modified: 24.09.2024