Energy Grids


The Energy Grids department develops and applies models for the simulation and optimization of multi-physical energy infrastructures. We focus on electricity, gas, and heating grids as well as their information and communication structures. Thereby, we also develop integrated energy market models to derive the distribution and transmission tasks for the energy infrastructures under consideration.

Research Topics

The main subject of research is the stationary and dynamic characteristics of current and future energy systems, which are characterized by high shares of renewable energies and increasing sector coupling. One focus on the further and new development of models is to be able to use solution methods that enable the use of server clusters and high-performance computers. In addition, we develop scalable methods with which the increasingly complex control tasks in energy networks can be solved faster than in real-time.


Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Wirt.Ing. Thiemo Pesch


Building 10.21 / Room 4012

+49 2461/61-4764



Last Modified: 01.10.2024