Welcome to JuRSE, the community of practice for scientists who code

JuRSE is a FZJ-wide initiative working to raise awareness and increase visibility for scientists who code as well as to improve good practice of research software. We aim to promote the impact on research, highlighting the increasingly critical and valuable role research software and coding serves here.

We believe that creating a community will lead to more recognition and professionalisation at the same time as helping those scientists who code to be part of a professional community of practice. 

The practice of coding in research is known as 'Research Software Engineering' so our community name is Jülich Research Software Engineering = JuRSE.

Our key visual includes the well-known motto for Research Software Engineering "Better Software, Better Research". This motto was created by the Software Sustainability Institute and has since been adopted around the world.

Join the Community of Practice!
Joining the JuRSE Community of Practice and getting involved is simple!
Let’s briefly show you what this community can do for you and what you can do to engage.

  • Sign up for our JuRSE mailing list (FZJ only). We have a regular newsletter and by receiving that you'll hear about all the other initiatives. Joining the mailing list is joining the FZJ RSE Community too.
  • Join the online community platform, both at FZJ and in Germany. Find others passionate about software, see what they are up to, and learn about the most recent news from RSE world.
  • Have a look at the Resources page. Following the FZJ Software Guidelines, this page has multiple entries helping you to improve your code, your repository, and the way to work on your software.
  • Engage in RSE events, inside and outside of FZJ. The Latest has all information concerning upcoming events and more.
  • Join one of the next HiRSE Seminars. These 1h online meetings cover lots of different topics on RSE. They will be available as a recording afterwards, maybe there are a few you find interesting?
  • You have an RSE-specific question, you need help or just someone to talk to about your code (besides your rubber duck)? Come to our JuRSE Open Hour, either in person or online.
  • Browse through the JuRSE Codes of the Month. Each month we highlight a great piece of software developed here at FZJ and it’s interesting to see what makes them fly.
  • Promote your software using the HiRSE Code Promotion. You provide a couple of information bullet points about your code, we create a promotion slide for you and show it around.

And finally: Help us spread the word. Let people know about this community or any particular aspect here you found useful. We have posters, too!

That’s a lot to digest and if you prefer, you can speak to us directly to discuss where to start too and if you have any ideas for the JuRSE community, get in touch. We’re happy to help!

For all enquiries or just not sure who to contact first, you can email the team via Claire Wyatt, the FZJ Community Manager for Research Software Engineering or the whole team at our team email rse@fz-juelich.de

The JuRSE Initiative is tightly linked to the Preparatory Study of the Helmholtz Platform for Research Software Engineering (HiRSE_PS), which aims at the establishment of central activities in RSE and the targeted sustainable funding of strategically important codes within Helmholtz Information. More on this link can be found here.

Last Modified: 19.12.2024