Join us at JuRSE Open Hours

Join us at JuRSE Open Hours

Each Wednesday*, the Research Software Engineering research group is available in-person and online to talk directly to you about your code, ask for advice on any subject related to research software engineering or raise an idea for the community of practice across FZJ.

In-person session is from 11am to 12pm in the "gegenüber" lounge in the central library.

Online session is from 2pm to 3pm in this BBB room

No registration needed – just come along!

What kind of questions/things we can discuss there?

Here are some examples:
-"I have a code, but don’t know how to share it."
-"I want to learn about testing, but I have no idea where to start."
-"My CI doesn’t run and I don’t understand why."

There are no stupid or too basic questions!

We are there to help, if we can and if you just want to say hi and see who we are, that’s fine, too!

some feedback from open hour attendees

I learned about software guidelines on the intranet and API mocking tools. The open hour was very informative.

I will definitely return if I need guidance or software development advice. RSE team is super open and friendly!

Oh I have learned a lot of new things! For each of my two questions I felt like I received 3-5 tools to use and directions to research.

I just wanted to hear about RSE in general, without any big expectation, to apply on the applications I develop. In the end, we were able to discuss with certain detail my own particular case.

Very agreeable team, enjoyed talking with them, and I will definitely be back for feedback, to share my progress, and to raise the next couple of questions I ran into.

I would certainly go back, not only to keep asking new questions once they come up, but to also keep being involved with the community. It has been a really nice and pleasant experience chatting with other people who work on research software (and who know about the challenges this brings) since in my own institute there are not too many people doing so.

During the open hour, I anticipated being able to ask questions and possibly receive recommendations or guidance on where to find answers. I feel that my expectations were fully met by the actual experience.

Besides the guidelines for software development, I have also learned about many new tools that I can apply to fulfil them (Selenium,, WireMock, Coveralls and others). It was also good to discuss how to proceed and to learn about future plans for RSE on FZJ

Yes (I would go back). I think now that I made introductions, I feel easier asking questions (I have a few lined up, including, but not limited to: monitoring software stacks, visualization of metrics/monitoring, performance of python libraries in the context of a REST framework).

*For some Wednesdays, like Christmas and public holidays, we may not be able to host open hours. To check we'll definitely be there you can always find the next two sessions on the internal events calendar.

Last Modified: 27.08.2024