The JuRSE Mission Statement
Key message
Our mission is to increase good practice of Research Software Engineering at Forschungszentrum Jülich along with more visibility and awareness of those doing it. We want to improve software skills and encourage the adoption of the FAIR principles for research software while promoting collaboration and sharing knowledge between researchers and students.
We are going to achieve this by creating the JuRSE community at FZJ.
In a first step, JuRSE will be the catalyst to provide an online and in-person community, RSE support, training workshops, knowledge exchange and whatever else the community needs as we grow over the next few years.
Find out how we're achieving this and how you can get in involved under Community.
In a second step, our goal is to acquire sustainable, reliable and project-independent funding for both central community work and research software engineers within software teams in the different domains, from the community for the community.
With the help of the board of directors a first pilot project started in 2023. RSE will play a major role in the 5th Program-Oriented Funding period starting 2028 and it is our common task to ensure that we will be able to build on what has been achieved by then.