The Worldwide RSE Movement
The RSE movement is now worldwide and growing each year but that wasn't always the case. It all started in 2012 in the UK when the term 'Research Software Engineer and Engineering' was coined in the UK. The Software Sustainability Institute was awarded a grant to start an RSE campaign in the UK and in 2017 they hosted the first International RSE Leaders meeting.
From this meeting in London, the German and the US RSE national associations were created and since then, the movement has grown into a large international community.
As you can see on the above map, there are now nine national RSE Associations raising awareness of the role, the importance of research software and engineering for research results, RSE career paths, recognition and reward.
Below you can find links to the national websites but most importantly, you might like to join the Germany, UK and US community platforms to get involved at an international level.
New collaborations are being formed all the time and the International Council of Research Software Associations and the ReSA are the latest associations. The eScience Centre in the Netherlands and the Digital Research Allianz for Canada are two institutions promoting the importance of research software, research software engineers and FAIR principles in their respective countries.