Rules and responsibilities
Based on the submissions the JuRSE team will select the grantees and contact them in due time. If more applications are submitted than there are grants, the team will have to reject and accept applications based on their quality. For the record: Members of the JuRSE team are also not eligible to apply.
The grant covers the full trip: travel, accommodation, registration fee, and daily allowance based on the rules and regulations of the Bundesreisekostengesetz and the Dienstreiseordnung (internal link) of FZJ. Upper limits may apply, see the description of the calls for the individual events.
The rules and responsibilities of this grant are rather simple. First and foremost: have fun at the conference! Talk and connect to people, learn about the hot topics in RSE, and make the most out of your stay.
The rest is rather straightforward:
- FZJ internals: We expect you to be signed up to the JuRSE Mailing list. If this is not the case, we will add you to it.
- We expect you to actively participate, e.g. through a talk, a poster, a tutorial, by being part of a panel, by engaging in discussions, talking to people, anything.
- If you have submitted something (poster, talk, paper, tutorial, or similar), please provide your final, accepted submission, since this will go on the JuRSE website, together with your name and affiliation/institute.
- If you are giving a presentation, please acknowledge support from JuRSE and FZJ with our key visual and the logo from FZJ (if you are not an employee of FZJ).
- Ideally, take or get a picture of you during the event. This could be a group photo, a selfie, or someone taking a picture of you while giving the presentation. This will go on our website, too.
- After your return, tell us about your experience by sending us a short summary of the event from your perspective. Together with the statements from the other grantees this will go to the JuRSE The Latest.