Helmholtz Association Postdoc Network (HAPN)
With a mission to improve the postdoc experience, HAPN aims to facilitate engagement in meaningful discussions, sharing of experiences, and collectively shape the future of postdocs within and beyond the Helmholtz Association.
You can find out more about HAPN here!
HAPN was officially launched on the 5th-6th November at an event in Berlin. 33 representatives from 17 research centres in the Helmholtz Association gathered to form the network with the remit to improve the experience and outlook for Post-doctoral researchers. Forschungszentrum Jülich was represented by Rhys Jacob and Krisztina Konya who will regularly be in touch with the other representatives to share best practices, networking opportunities, and changes to the legal framework with the wider post-doctoral community.

Feel free to contact Krisztina (k.konya@fz-juelich.de) or Rhys (r.jacob@fz-juelich.de) if you would like to know more or would like to get involved. The network is open to all post-doctoral researchers; temporary participation in the working groups' activities is not only possible but especially welcome.