
Would you like to commercialize a great idea or product you developed? Then a career as an entrepreneur might be the right option for you. Creating a business plan and finding investors is probably new to you, but researchers often have the ability to write and burn for their product.

Entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of designing, launching and running a new business, so in a sense; it describes the high art of business-oriented thinking and acting. Characteristics and traits required for entrepreneurship include e.g. independent thinking, passion, optimism, self-confidence and focus. But being an entrepreneur is not limited to certain personality types or stereotypes; there is possibly an entrepreneurial spirit in all of us. As the global economy grows and changes, there are more and more opportunities for you to become an entrepreneur and adopt a career that fit your lifestyle. Entrepreneurship is a vital part of any national economy.

Some soft skills you may require:

  • Endurance
  • Ability to work independently
  • Creativity and courage
  • Willingness to take risks
  • Critical ability and willingness to learn

If you are interested in specific positions please have a look here.

For more information, funding opportunities and networking possibilities, please contact us.

Interesting links:
Innovation & Strategy (Intranet)
Young Entrepreneurs in Science
Technology Transfer of Helmholtz Association
Wie baut man ein StartUp auf? Ein Interview über die Ausgründung von SenseUp.

Last Modified: 18.08.2023