Near- and remote sensing

Near- and remote sensing for a better understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics of photosynthesis using hyperspectral and solar-induced fluorescence techniques.

We develop new high-resolution reflectance and fluorescence techniques to detect energy conversion in natural canopies. Our particular focus is on using the information content of vegetation fluorescence to measure photosynthetic efficiency and early physiological stress indicators. We are instrumental in the preparation of the European Earth Explorer Satellite Mission FLEX, to be launched in 2025, which will provide global maps of current vegetation photosynthesis and plant stress by measuring solar-induced fluorescence.



  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Building 06.2 /
Room 406b
+49 2461/61-2638

Last Modified: 23.01.2023