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Plant Sciences (IBG-2)


Shoot Dynamics

We aim to improve our scientific (biological) understanding of plant shoot functioning and dynamic shoot traits from the leaf to the canopy, which will provide the basis to optimize plant production. Our special focus is on understanding of the regulatory properties of photosynthesis, the mechanisms of leaf and canopy water content and transpiration as well as the dynamics in shoot architecture in crops.

Root Dynamics

Plants obtain water and mineral nutrients through their roots, and thus roots sustain global biomass productivity. Understanding and improving root development and function in the soil directly impacts the efforts to develop more resource efficient and high yielding plants and agricultural systems.

Jülich Plant Phenotyping Center

We focus on the application and development of high-throughput, non-invasive phenotyping methods for screening of plant shoot and root productivity traits.

Enabling Technologies

We are focussing on the development and application of technologies that enable in-depth as well as high throughput measurements of plant traits.

Alternative Biomass

The Alternative Biomass group develops biomass production systems in close collaboration with the biomass conversion and downstream processes in biorefineries. Besides the optimization of quality and yield of biomass, we try to minimize competition for land and resources as well as the environmental impact. The targeted development towards innovative, biomass-based products, generates new opportunities for novel value networks for a sustainable Bioeconomy While alternative biomass crops have mostly been grown for bioenergy purposes over the last decades, we focus on developing novel, value-adding products in combination with targeted circular processes in systemic approaches including production, conversion and recycling.

Strategic initiatives IBG-2

With our regional, national and international initiatives, we develop strategies in the field of bioeconomy, implement projects together with our partners and thus contribute to the realization of sustainable value creation and circular economy.


We aim to improve our scientific (biological) understanding of plant shoot functioning and dynamic shoot traits from the leaf to the canopy, which will provide the basis to optimize plant production. Our special focus is on understanding of the regulatory properties of photosynthesis, the mechanisms of leaf and canopy water content and transpiration as well as the dynamics in shoot architecture in crops.
