Dual study program - Mathematical-technical software developer (MATSE)

The training to become a mathematical-technical software developer takes place as part of the dual study program "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" (FH Aachen). The lectures take place at the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC) on the campus of Forschungszentrum Jülich.

The practical part of the training is carried out in the institutes. Each trainee is permanently assigned to an institute for the duration of the dual study program.

Duale Ausbildung Mathematisch-technische(r) Softwareentwickler(in) (MATSE)

In IBG-2, MaTSe trainees can expect to cover the entire field of software development. They work on current software projects or work on smaller projects independently. This includes project planning in a team, implementation, testing and deployment. The projects cover the entire spectrum of software used at IBG-2. This includes web applications, databases, image processing, data analysis and hardware control. When implementing the algorithms and projects, the trainees can often draw on and deepen the knowledge they have acquired in mathematics and computer science during their studies. During the entire development process, the trainees are already in contact with the future users.

Further information on apprenticeships and dual study programs - Mathematics and computer science - Apprenticeships and studies

Selected trainee projects from recent years

Climate data visualization
Analysis of segmented root data
Network simplification and display of root data in AR

Contact persons

  • Institute of Bio- and Geosciences (IBG)
  • Plant Sciences (IBG-2)
Building 06.2 /
Room 406a
+49 2461/61-8685

Last Modified: 13.02.2024