SAPHIR Trans-National Access
SAPHIR provides physical access for atmospheric research. Access is open to all external users, including SMEs and the scientific community:
- The chamber can be used for high quality experiments performed at atmospheric-like conditions investigating the transformation of gas-phase species and aerosols with a focus on photochemistry. In addition, SAPHIR can be used for instrument testing and comparisons.
- A large variety of instrumentation is permanently installed at the chamber and available for measurements. Data quality is maintained by calibration and instruments comparisons.
- Installation of additional instrumentation provided by users is supported.
- Planning of experiments is done in collaboration with experts from Forschungszentrum Jülich.
Please contact Anna Novelli and Hendrik Fuchs, if you want to apply for access.
Prof. Dr. Hendrik Fuchs
Deputy Director of ICE-3 Head of the department "Photochemistry and Radicals" Professor for "Experimental methods for the detection of atmospheric radicals" at the Department of Physics, University of Cologne
Dr. Anna Novelli
Senior Scientist Head of group "Photochemistry and Radicals"
Last Modified: 12.09.2024