The Institute ICE-3 coordinates and is involved in numerous projects with national and international partners from HGF and other research institutes, universities, and industry.
Here you can find an overview about the terminated projects.
Ongoing and future projects
ACTRIS Services at more than 40 Facilities
Investigating atmospheric emissions and chemical reactions that affect air quality and climate
Fuel cells are galvanic cells where a fuel is oxidized and the chemical energy is converted into electrical energy.
ATMO-ACCESS will open physical and remote access to 43 operational European atmospheric research facilities, including ground-based observation stations, simulation chambers, but also mobile facilities and central laboratories that are fundamental elements in distributed RIs.
CAFE-Brazil was a HALO mission conducted out of Manaus, Brazil. It focused on tropospheric oxidant photochemistry in combination with particle formation and growth mechanisms under clean, pristine conditions over the Amazon rainforest.
ACTRIS Services at more than 40 Facilities
The CAFE-Pacific mission took place in the Indo-Pacific region north-west and northeast of Cairns, Australia, in January and February 2024. This corresponds to the onset of the Australian monsoon wet season. The main focus of the mission was on the investigation of the photooxidation chemistry, the radical cycling, new particle formation and photochemical aging for the pristine marine conditions of the tropical Pacific.
European air quality - Regional air quality production systems
Near-Real-Time provision of aerosol and reactive species from ACTRIS and EMEP surface observation networks
CFE Pilot
The High-Efficiency 'Capillary-fed' Electrolyser Pilot' (CFE Pilot) project aims to scale up and develop this new electrolyser.
Household Chemicals Amplifying Urban Aerosol Pollution
The CAFE-Pacific mission took place in the Indo-Pacific region north-west and northeast of Cairns, Australia, in January and February 2024. This corresponds to the onset of the Australian monsoon wet season. The main focus of the mission was on the investigation of the photooxidation chemistry, the radical cycling, new particle formation and photochemical aging for the pristine marine conditions of the tropical Pacific.
Climate effects reduced by Innovative Concept of Operations - Needs and Impacts Assessment
A Comprehensive Approach to Harnessing the Innovation Potential of Direct Air Capture and Storage of Reaching CO2-Neutrality
Destination Earth Air Quality Use Case DE370C
Within the Destination Earth (DestinE) air quality use case, Forschungszentrum Jülich is developing a user interface for analyzing and forecasting air pollution.
ENVironmental Research Infrastructures delivering an open access Hub and NEXT-level interdisciplinary research framework providing services for advancing science and society
Energy oriented Centre of Excellence
Climate effects reduced by Innovative Concept of Operations - Needs and Impacts Assessment
EUROCHAMP-2020 is a Horizon2020 infrastructure project that aims at further integrating the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation.
Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections
The institute IEK-8 (Forschungszentrum Jülich) and the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (Peking University, China) cooperate since 2006, in order to explore atmospheric chemical processes in the densely populated regions and cities in China.
In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System
EUROCHAMP-2020 is a Horizon2020 infrastructure project that aims at further integrating the most advanced European atmospheric simulation chambers into a world-class infrastructure for research and innovation.
Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution
The project JULIAC aims to explore the day- and nighttime chemistry of oxidation processes which are responsible for atmospheric self-cleaning and the formation of secondary pollutants (photo oxidants and secondary organic aerosols) during different seasons of the year.
Development and test of cathode air filters for mobile and stationary fuel cell systems for agricultural machinery, construction site applications and in the maritime sector
Center of excellence “Virtual Institute - Power to Gas and Heat”
Automated airborne measurement of pollutants in the near-earth atmosphere in urban areas
Jülich ObservatorY for Cloud Evolution
MOSES campaign to investigate the impacts of heatwaves and droughts on air quality
The Net4Cities project generates maps of air and noise pollution in real time, incorporating data from 30 measuring stations in 11 European cities at transport locations, ports, and airports.
The Pilot Lab Exascale Earth System Modelling (PL-ExaESM) explores specific concepts to enable exascale readiness of Earth System models and associated work flows in Earth System science
MOSES campaign to investigate the impacts of heatwaves and droughts on air quality
Investigation of the oxidation of important organic compounds that are emitted by plants and which influence atmospheric self-cleaning by radicals.
Citizen Science project SMARAGD - Sensors for measuring aerosols and reactive gases to deduce health effects
Improving federal German emission inventories by inverse modelling
Urban Climate under Change
The aim is the development of a city climate model, which is supposed to solve atmospheric processes at building-resolved resolution, with mesh widths of 10 m or finer.
VDI Cooperations
Cooperation with VDI (The Association of German Engineers) – Commission on Air Pollution Prevention KRdL
Investigation of the oxidation of important organic compounds that are emitted by plants and which influence atmospheric self-cleaning by radicals.