The Hardware Group develops hardware components and imaging systems with a focus on high field and multimodal imaging. Projects are application driven or investigate fundamental design choices and are targeted at providing optimum instrumentation for a scientific research question. A key area of interest is the investigation of coil arrays for parallel, multinuclear and multimodal imaging in both human and animal research. Examples of recent and ongoing projects are described in more detail below.


Components and Circuits

MR component development.

MRI Systems

MR component development.

Travelling Wave Systems

The main goal of this project is to investigate the installation of travelling wave systems on a 9.4T whole-body MR-PET scanner. To achieve this, new methods of signal excitation and reception are required along with new excitation devices, e.g. antennas.

MRI Coil Development

MRI Coil Development.


The main goal of this project is to investigate the installation of travelling wave systems on a 9.4T whole-body MR-PET scanner. To achieve this, new methods of signal excitation and reception are required along with new excitation devices, e.g. antennas.

Field Monitoring

MR experiments rely on a homogeneous and stable static magnetic field, superimposed by dynamic field gradients, which change in magnitude over time depending on the applied pulse sequence.

Novel multi-tuned RF coil/antenna designs

MR experiments rely on a homogeneous and stable static magnetic field, superimposed by dynamic field gradients, which change in magnitude over time depending on the applied pulse sequence.



  • Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine (INM)
  • Medical Imaging Physics (INM-4)
Building 15.14 /
Room R 114
+49 2461/61-1908


Dr Chang-Hoon ChoiBuilding 15.14 / Room 115+49 2461/61-1921
Dipl. -Ing. A. Avdo CelikBuilding 15.14 / Room 111+49 2461/61-1924
Dr Suk Min HongBuilding 15.14 / Room R 111+49 2461/61-1922
Annette MockBuilding 15.14 / Room 112+49 2461/61-6207
Stefan SchwanBuilding 04.3 / Room 160+49 2461/61-6299
Dr. Wieland WorthoffBuilding 15.14 / Room 213+49 2461/61-8772

Last Modified: 15.02.2023