Palestinian-German Science Bridge PGSB - PGSB Fellows and Alumni
Table of Contents
Supercomputing and Advanced Simulation:

Rudina Subaih
Interview Rudina Subaih
Research: MSc., Experimental Investigation of the Fundamental Diagram Across Culture
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IAS-7, Dr. Mohcine Chraibi
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP), Dr. Mohammed Maree

Ghadeer Derbas
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Occupant behaviour integration in BIM environment
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IAS-7, Dr. Mohcine Chraibi
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Prof. Sameer Abu-Eisheh

Hanan Hamamara
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Non-equilibrium spin-orbit physics at high frequencies
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IAS-1, Prof. Samir Lounis
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP)

Sufyan Shehada
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Hyperfine fields of magnetic adatoms on ultrathin insulating films
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IAS-1, Prof. Samir Lounis
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP), Dr. Muayad Abu Saa

Wejdan Beida
Research: Ph.D, The role of non-local Coulomb interactions in 2D magnetic materials
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: PGI-1, Prof. Stefan Blügel
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Hazem Abusara
Bio- and Geosciences:

Murad Qaisieh
Research: BSc., Utilization of Angae as a biofertilizer
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-2, Dr. Ladislav Nedbal
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Hebron University, Dr. Rami Arafeh

Jessica Said
Research: BSc., Modified light-expanded clay for the removal of nitrate from groundwater and constructed wetland
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Rawan Mlih
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Bethlehem University, Prof. Michel Hanania

Michleen Ghannam
Research: BSc.,Modified light-expanded clay for the removal of nitrate from groundwater and constructed wetland
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Rawan Mlih
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Bethlehem University, Prof. Michel Hanania

Ghadir Hanbali
Research: PhD at An-Najah National University, Functionalized multiwall carbon nanotubes with amide
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Dr. Roland Bol
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Prof. Shehdeh Jodeh

Bayan Khalaf
Research: PhD at An-Najah National University, Purification of water in Palestine from persistent pesticides using new synthesized cellulose nanoparticles
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Dr. Roland Bol
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Prof. Shehdeh Jodeh

Mohammed Hmidat
Research: PhD at An-Najah National University, Study of the chemical & biological parameters that affect skin separation in Palestinian Medjoul palm date fruits
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Dr. Roland Bol
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Prof. Shehdeh Jodeh

Hadeel Husien
Research: MSc., Transport of iron oxide nanoparticles in soil
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Prof. Jan Vanderborght
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Dr. Rana Samara

Reem Safira
Research: MSc., Development of a hydrochemical warning system using stable isotopes for groundwater in Karst Eastern Aquifer in Palestine
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Dr. Roland Bol
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Dr. Saed Khayat

Ashwaq Najjar
Research: MSc., Palestinian barley fertilization by microalgae on poor soil
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-2, Dr. Christina Kuchendorf
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Polytechnic University, Dr. Sharaf Al-Tardeh

Loay AlShawamreh
Research: Visit, Algae biomass as plant biofertilizer and growth stimulant
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-2, Dr. Ladislav Nedbal
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Polytechnic University, Dr. Rami Arafeh

Rawan Mlih
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Interview for Science Bridge Article
Research: PhD, Transport and retention behavior of coated zero valent iron nanoparticles in light expanded clays aggregates (LECA)
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBG-3, Dr. Roland Bol
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Hebron University, Dr. Nader Yaghi and Dr. Mohannad Jazzar
Biological Information processing:

Sameh Othman
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: MSc., A systematic study of the electric charge contribution to the wrapping process in nanoparticle-membrane interactions
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-5, Dr. Thorsten Auth
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmed

Basima Abu Rumaila
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: MSc., Detection of metabolites from spoilage microorganisms in food products using printed electrochemical sensors
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-3, Dr. Alexej Yakushenko
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Dr. Nawaf Abu-Khalaf

Mahmoud Ardah
Research: MSc., Development of three-dimensional neuronal model systems for mechanical stress application
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-2, Dr. Bernd Hoffmann
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Dr. Feras Al Battah (Arab American University Palestine)

Fatmih Shmasneh
Research: MSc., Protein diffusion in lipidic cubic phases
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-5, Dr. Thorsten Auth
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmed

Zeinab Breijneh
Research: MSc., Development of novel fluorescent platinum(IV) derivatives and their delivery by fusogenic liposomes as nanocarriers into cancer cells
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-2, Dr. Agnes Csiszar
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Yousef Najajreh

Hebah Fatafta
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, The simulation of amyloid aggregation under in vivo conditions
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-7, Prof. Birgit Strodel
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmed

Abdalhalim Abuawad
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Development of magnetic based biological sensors for the detection of Brucella Spp.
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-3, Prof. Hans-Joachim Krause
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Polytechnic University, Dr. Yaqoub Ashhab

Samar Tarazi
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Functionality of neurons under mechanical strain
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-2, Dr. Bernd Hoffmann
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP), Dr. Feras Al Battah

Sara AlSharif
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Novel fluorescent platinum(IV) derivatives and their delivery by fusogenic liposomes as nanocarriers into cancer cells
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-2, Dr. Agnes Csiszar
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Yousef Najajreh

Mohammed Khaled
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Markov state models for peptide aggregation: applications to beta-amyloid and polyglutamine peptides
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-7, Prof. Birgit Strodel
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmed

Aziz Tumeh
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Structural characterization of proapoptotic Par-4
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-7 Outstation CSSB, Prof. Jörg Labahn
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP), Prof. Hilal Zaid

Assalla Abu Shamseye
Research: PhD, Significance of GABARAP in macroautophagy and cellular trafficking studied by advanced fluorescence microscopy
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IBI-7, Dr. Oliver Weiergräber
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Polytechnic University
Energy and Climate Research:

Eman Raddad
Research: BSc., Reverse bias damage to CIGS solar cells investigated by means of pulsed thermography
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-5, Dr. Bart Pieters
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Dr. Rabbab Jarrar

Aseel Mousa
Research: BSc. Dual Studies, Thermography analysis of solar modules
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-5, Dr. Bart Pieters
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Dr. Salaheldin Odeh

Fadi Al-Jaljouli
Research: MSc., Development of durable cathodes for all solid state lithium-ion batteries
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-1, Dr. Robert Mücke
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Salman Salman

Mohammed Jaber
Research: MSc., Sustainable power solution from monolithic integrated PV-battery
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-5, Dr. Tsvetelina Merdzhanova
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Dr. Tamer Khatib

Abdelnaser Dwaikat
Research: MSc., Strategic planning for clean & sustainable transportation in Palestine: the role of vehicles
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-STE, Dr. Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Prof. Sameer Abu-Eisheh

Suheir Nofal
Interview Suheir Nofal
Research: MSc., Simulation of laser liquid phase solar cell processing
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-5, Dr. Maurice Nuys
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Polytechnic University, Dr. Othman Zalloum

Fadi Al-Jaljouli
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Material design and stability of all-solid-state lithium ion batteries
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-1, Dr. Robert Mücke
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University

Mohammed Jaber
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Laser-based Realization of Interdigitated Back Contact (IBC) Silicon Solar Cell with Passivated Contact
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-5, Dr. Stefan Haas
Home university and Palestinian advisor: An-Najah National University, Dr. Abdelrahim Abusafa

Suheir Nofal
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Interview Suheir Nofal
Research: PhD, The Dynamics of Hotspot Formation in Thin-Film Solar Modules
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IEK-5, Dr. Bart Pieters
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Polytechnic University
Neurosciences and Medicine:

Abdulrahman Sawalma
Research: MSc., Neuroimaging using Magnetoencephalography (MEG) – cross-cultural exploration of chronodisruption and depression
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: INM-4, Dr. Jürgen Dammers
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Dr. Mohammad Herzallah

Asma Sbaih
Research: Visit, Features extraction in resting state brain activity based on new machine learning methods
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: INM-4, Dr. Jürgen Dammers
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Ahliya University, Dr. Ahmad Hasasneh

Hasan Sbaihat
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Interview for Science Bridge Article
Research: PhD, Simultaneous MR-PET-EEG imaging: multimodal data integration
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: INM-4, Prof. Irene Neuner
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP), Dr. Abed-Alnaser Assi

Ahlam Issa
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Evaluation Of Dead Time Correction & Data Acquisition In Brain PET Insert
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: INM-4, Dr. Christoph Lerche
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Dr. Hussein AlMasri

Nibal Khudeish
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Psychological Trauma and Reinforcement Learning as a Function of Dopamine Transporter gene (DAT1) Variations
New: Neuroimaging Epigenetics of Resilience in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: INM-4, Prof. Irene Neuner
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Dr. Mohammad Herzallah (first project)

Abdulrahman Sawalma
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, The Electrophysiology of Depression and Chronodisruption
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: INM-4, Dr. Jürgen Dammers
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Dr. Mohammad Herzallah
Neutron Science:
Nour Maraytta
Interview Nour Maraytta
Research: PhD, Structure and dynamics of magnetocaloric materials
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: JCNS-2, Dr. Karen Friese
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Salman Salman

Sabreen Hammouda
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Does intercalation render LuFe2O4 to be ferroelectric
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: JCNS-2, Dr. Manuel Angst
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Salman Salman

Asmaa Qdemat
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Structural and magnetic characterization in 2D and 3D ordered nanoparticle assemblies
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: JCNS-2, Dr. Emmanuel Kentzinger
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Salman Salman
Nanostructures and Nanoelectronics:

Duaa Abumurra
Research: Visit, Topological phase transitions in 2D materials
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: PGI-6, Dr. Lukasz Plucinski
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Edward Sader
Nuclear Physics:

Khalil Abuayyash
Research: MSc., A New FADC Readout Control System for the JEDI Polarimeter
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IKP-2, Prof. Hans Ströher
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University, Prof. Salman Salman

Falastine Abusaif
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Interview for Science Bridge Article
Research: PhD, Development of compact, highly sensitive beam position monitors for storage rings
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: IKP-2, Prof. Hans Ströher
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Al-Quds University
Engineering, Electronics and Analytics:

Salsabeel Imair
Research: BSc., Thermal image processing for carbon-based material analysis
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: ZEA-1, Prof. Ghaleb Natour
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Palestine Technical University Kadoorie, Prof. Hussein Shanak

Sara Abu Zayed
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: BSc., Measurement of deformation due to thermal effect on a carbon fiber composite structure using digital image correlation
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: ZEA-1, Prof. Ghaleb Natour
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Birzeit University, Dr. Hazem Abusara

Lotfi Talalwa
Interview Lotfi Talalwa
Fellows Competition Video 2020
Research: PhD, Development of a dedicated Brain phantom for hybrid PET/MRI acquisition
Institute and supervisor in Jülich: ZEA-1/INM-2, Prof. Ghaleb Natour and Dr. Simone Beer
Home university and Palestinian advisor: Arab American University (AAUP)
Photos: Copyright @Ralf-Uwe Limbach, Forschungszentrum Jülich